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Everything posted by mrsred

  1. Hi there im sorry can you confirm what you mean please? This is all very new to me... I will ask for interest and charges to be frozen.. there was no PPI because my mum was unemployed.. Do you mean that CAG cant give advice until i make sure charges are reclaimed?
  2. Hi everyone - any advice would be much, much appreciated. I found out today that my mum is drowning in debt. I called the bank to try and arrange some sort of management plan and was completely shocked at how much debt she had managed to run up - i am in now way trying to shift the blame here. . my mum has been very foolish and has become so embarrassed that she has buried her head in sand hoping this would go away... but my mum is unemployed and only gets benefits paid into her account every single month.. how on earth she managed to get the loans approved is beyond me.. She took 1 loan in 2009 for £15k a second loan in 2010 for £7.5k and has a credit card bill of £6k - all from LTSB. To top it off she abandoned her LTSB account back in Nov 2011 and ever since has had another current account that receives all her benefits.. . she thought she just stopped paying the loans and it was her intention go to CAB to sort something out (which never happened). It appears however that LTSB have continued honoring the direct debits by increasing her overdraft limit every month! When she left them back in Nov her overdraft of £500 was clear. . she now has an overdraft of £4500 ontop of the remaining balances on the loans. How could this have happened??? LTSB have claimed today that the account is now closed and they had no way of opening or viewing the account so they could not explain why they continued honoring the payments.. . i have been asked to call back on Monday to speak with the collections department. Does anyone have any advice how we can handle this? I have recently been made redundant so i will pay her credit card bill for her... but i cannot afford to pay anymore. . i just hope they let her pay a smaller amount each month and that they STOP adding interest and charges for the remaining debt. So i am not trying to make this go away.. i do however feel that the bank have a responsibility and have been completely irresponsible in their lending. . they just kept throwing money at her. .. what can i do about this??
  3. Hi everyone, I posted on here before regarding unfair selection for redundancy. I have now had my hearing which i adjourned because they were unable to answer any of my questions - so i asked them to re-schedule the meeting at a time when my questions could be answered. In addition, i have been told that my role is redundant immediately that i will not be made redundant until March because they have other work they want me to do. The work they want me to do is basically admin duties (i am currently at manager level) so in my opinion it would detrimental to my career for them to hold me back pursing another management type role with another company in favour of me helping them out with admin / support type duties. In addition i have already stated at my preference interview that i would not prepared to stay on temporarily. The redundancy policy states i am entitled to 6 weeks notice and that the maximum notice period they will give any employee is 13 weeks - when i asked where this 6 month notice period came from i was told there was a business need and if i left before then i would effectively be resigning. I want to leave - i have had enough but of course i dont want to lose out on my severance pay. Can anyone give me any advice on how to take this notice period up with my company? Do i need to work it? PS - i have already spoken to ACAS regarding my issues on the redundancy selection and their advice was to raise a grievance due to the way in which this has been handled
  4. When this first kicked off panic set in and i just didnt want to be out a job - so my initial reaction was to fight for this new job (raise an appeal, grievance etc) but now i am angry and frustrated and no longer respect or trust this company - i just want out. I have my redundancy hearing next week and i plan to withdraw my application for the new job, i still would like to press on with a grievance because the way in which this has been handled is completely contradictory to the redundancy policy. What i dont know (i need to check with ACAS i guess) is what happens to the redundancy process if i raise a grievance? Will it be postponed? Could i lose my redundancy etc... i need to get some quiet time without my child at my feet to ring them and i havent found the time yet.
  5. HI there, 30 people were impacted by the restructure. Only myself and 1 other person have been told our role no longer exists and we will be leaving the company unless we can find a new job within the company. After the announcements we entered a 30 day consultation during which new roles were advertised and i applied. the new role is in a different area of the business but is the same grade as my current role and 90% of the job i do already (the other 10% i can easily be re-trained within the required timescales). The re-deployment policy clearly states that "at risk" staff will be given preference over non at risk staff but there were no other candidates for this job - so why was the job not offered to me? It seems to me that they want someone with no ties who can travel at the drop of hat - i have not refused to travel i have said i am willing to compromise but that i would need to discuss this in detail with them so that we can reach an agreement that suits both them and my family. That discussion never took place, they re-advertised the role. I have completely lost faith in the company and this process and that does not sit well with me at all.
  6. Thank you!!! I will get in touch with home insurance and let you know how the hearing goes next week! Thank you CAG!!
  7. Thanks so much for replying Your right - i don't know that a tribunal is for me - but i want them to be held accountable for their actions and i want to make sure they treat me fairly which at the moment they are not. The only reason i can think of (for them not wanting to keep me) is the possibility that i might have another baby in the near future and they would be giving me the job over someone else who will be with them for a long time. I will not resign - i am being made redundant so will have a severance pay, but what i wanted to do was raise a grievance to say i am unhappy with the process and that the process they have followed is completely inconsistent to what they set out in their redundancy / redeployment policy. What about the injustice of this? Should i just take my severance pay and put this down to a really bad experience? Is taking them to a tribunal the only way someone will be held accountable for the way they have treated me? What about compensation for the position they have left me in (losing out on the security of my job, having to look for other work with less benefits and probably less pay) would i only be offered compensation if i went to a tribunal? Thanks!!
  8. Hi there thank you i was considering going down the grievance route. Great point about my home insurance i hadnt considered that - thank you! I do feel as if the way they have behaved has made me feel so uncomfortable that i dont even know if i could consider to continue working there even if i won an appeal!
  9. Hi there thanks i have looked at ACAS - everything i have read has suggested that the job should have been offered to me given that it was the same grade. I feel that my company are not following the correct process here but i just dont know what to do about that - im really confused, if i appeal and am offered the job i will basically be forcing their hand and it wont be a good place to be. Just wondered if anyone had been in a similar situation or if anyone could offer any advice on what my next move should be thanks
  10. can anyone offer any advice on what my next move should be? please?
  11. Hi all, My employer has carried a review and as a result have found my role to be redundant. A number of people are impacted but have been put into "pools" for the same role - but because my job doesnt exist i have been told i will be leaving the company. I have challenged this and asked what alternatives there are to redundancy and i have been told i will be supported in finding another role within the company but i have had no support whatsoever. The day after i received my announcement the company advertised a number of new roles (non pooled jobs) - 2 of which were of the same grade as me but because they had different titles and were a different role i was told i had to apply like everyone else. I was the only candidate at the closing date, the job was taken down and i was offered an interview... "done deal" or so i thought. I have since found out that they have re-advertised the role internally and externally - i am beyond livid and confused. I feel so embarrassed - they clearly dont want me! I have an excellent track record with fantastic reviews - my management are backing are me 100% (all of whom are also being made redundant so the fact they care enough to put in a good word for me speaks volumes i think) but the process and the new management are letting me down. The new job requires an element of travel which i have expressed concern about - i havent refused to travel - i have said i can do a reasonable amount of travelling but they have asked me to spend 3 months away from home. I have a young child at home and returned from Mat Leave in January - during the time i was away obviously a number of "rising stars" came on the scene and it feels like my place has been filled. I simply feel like they are making my position impossible and i just dont know what to do. I have my redundancy hearing next week - i really dont want to appeal because what if i do keep my job and end up working for people who hate me and dont want me? Or who insist on me travelling, that means i would then need to leave and would potentially lose out on my severance pay! Any advice??
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