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  1. Any help on this guys? I had 3 loans with HFC and the 2nd and 3rd reloans paying off the previous loan. Will the account number for each of these loans be the same? Should i request all by details by a SAR from the HFC or should i send a PPI claim straight to HFC first? I dont know the account numbers for these loans so looking for some advice on the best place to start. Thanks in advance
  2. Sorry for the "1 long sentance" above, i did space it correctly but for some reason it grouped it all together when i posted it and made it harder to read.
  3. Hi Guys and Girls, Im contemplating trying to reclaim my PPI from HFC/Household bank/Benificial finance from loans and re loans i had with them over the past several years (the loan was fully repaid last year) My first loan was approximately 8 years ago and with this i was sold PPI with it, the person i dealt with was very pushy and used very abrubt and almost bullying tactics to get me to take this out, it also wasnt explained to me that this would be added directly to my loan or how much the repayments would be. I then had subsequent loans about 2 years later and then 2 years after that, each loan paying off the previous loan, each of these loans had PPI attatched to them i believe. Anyway, im looking for the best place to start, should i send a SAR to them to get all my details or should i send them a letter regarding reclaiming my PPI? Not having much paperwork (maybe some from my last loan with them) I want to make sure any offer they make is correct should the claim be upheld. I have contemplated going to a claims company but i really dont want to do that as im sure i could do all the work myself and save myself the 15 or so percent that they charge. Thanks in advance for any info or help any of you guys can provide.
  4. Yeah i understand them possibly not wanting to release the information if it does indeed say my current salary is below the market average, but i would still like to find out. if i am below the average i can then discuss this with my direct manager at a later date but also if i am at the top end of the scale then any pay increases will be minimal.
  5. Thanks for all the replies guys,Yeah i tried to benchmark my own salary using the payscale website, i tried to match as accurately as i could my job description and duties, when all this was completed it came back as the average salary for my role was £4000 more a year than i am currently on, this i think is the reason why they are reluctant to release this information.I have searched the company handbook and personnel manual and there is no such information in there and as for new applicants my understanding is that they dont disclose the minima and maxima to them, they are simply told they are in "This pay grade".We dont have a union here and i have been told only HR has access to this information,Im just wondering have they told me they cant give it to me hoping id say "OK" and go away quietly, or wether or not they can actually refuse to give me this information if i pursue it further.Thanks guys
  6. Yes, each pay grade has a minima and maxima and it is those that i am trying to find out for my pay grade/banding group.
  7. Hi Guys, My employer has over the past 8 months introduced salary banding into our organistaion, with the aim of ensuring that my salary is benchmarked inline with the current market, we also have an annual pay review at the end of february and the pay increase i get is related to my performance review and where i am in the salary banding (whether i am above or below the average for our sector makes a difference to the size of my increase). I have today requested from my HR department to see what my upper and lower limits are of my salary banding are and where my salary sits inside these limits. This has been refused with HR saying and i quote "Because it is for HR use only to ensure that employees salaries are benchmarked in line with the market"My question is can they refuse to disclose and withhold this information about me as i have requested it?I have only requested the information for myself and not for anyone else.Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
  8. Many thanks for that citizenB, i now have a starting point :)Do you or anyone else have the correct address i send this too once i have completed my subject access request.Thanks guys and girls
  9. First of all id like to say Hi to everyone at this forum.Iv recently joined and i am looking at going about reclaiming my late payment and over limit charges but it all seems like a bit of a minefield. Il give you a bit of history about my situation and hopefully someone can help.Iv had a capital one account for around 10 (maybe more) yrs and during this time i have had a fair few (20+) charges applied to my account for late payment and even a few over limit charges applied as well ( some of the over limit charges were because of their late payment charges apllied to my account which then took me over my limit)Im looking at starting to reclaim any of these charges but if im honest i dont know where to start, im guessing il need to get a copy of my statements from them but how far back can i go? Can i ask them for all of my statements from day one? Do i have to pay to gain access to these or can i get them for free? I realise there are a million and one threads like mine already but any help you guys could give would be greatly appreciated, il keep this thread updated as my journey to fight capital one goes on hopefully helping anyone else in my situation along the way.Thanks for any help you may be able to give me.
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