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  1. As I'm sure most of you know, and quite a few of you use, TalkTalk began offering free broadband for all several years ago now. When my then fiancée and I were living in a town, we were able to get free broadband, which at one point was as fast as 11 or 12 mbps. On informing TT we were going to move to a village (also over the other side of the country), we were told that our Broadband, which would be six times slower, would now cost £15/month on top of the line rental etc. Refusing to accept this, we cancelled, still having to pay the cancellation fee (which I dispute as the contract had changed). The official excuse from TT is that the exchange where we now live is too small for their equipment. How can this be fair? Rural customers are being ripped off and given a technical reason. It should not matter if the equipment can't fit - there's surely enough profit to subsidise the rural areas.
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