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  1. Hiya Levets, No this was not taken any further as in October last year my husband was taken seriously ill with Infective Endocarditis (infection in his mitral heart valve) and spent nearly 7 weeks in hospital it was very much touch and go at the time and has been a very scary and stressful time for us all, he is off work sick at the moment and on the waiting list for open heart surgery to have a valve replacement. The finance company have been helpful in allowing us to cut our payments down untill he is able to get back to work. Thank you for asking x
  2. Just letting you know the SAR has arrived, its all on a cd, lots of data on there. x
  3. Ive tracked the letter today, it was recieved yesterday so now we shall sit and wait, i'll let you know when we hear anything x
  4. JUst letting you know i managed to post the SAR today, registered post x
  5. Hubby has rang the court again today but we dont really know anything else, she just told him again about the figures ect, he asked her about the big differance in the judgment and the figure we had off the finance company and she just said that was wasnt right and it shouldnt have been differant and recommended ringing the finance company to question it? I will have another search for the original CCJ incase i glanced over it but i dont think i did as both myself and hubby looked. So annoyed with myself. x
  6. Thankyou for your advice, unfortuntaly we are not in a position to afford a lawyer, my hubby works full time and so i wouldnt think we would qualify for legal help as we dont get any low income benefits but he only earns enough for us to scrape through each month, this debt is one we could seriously do without. We are glad of any help that anyone can offer and will work with you the best we can to try and sort this awful situation that has been a drain on us financially and emotionally for way to long now. x
  7. Ok Dx will get hubby to ring tomorrow, going to post the SAR off on Tuesday x
  8. Dx hubby rang the court they said they can not issue a copy of the CCJ as it was back in 2007 all she could send us was a print screen of the CJJ she had on screen which i added as an attachment earlier on in the thread but here it is again if you didnt see it. I have searched everywhere i can think for the original but i fear it was lost in the 2 house moves since it was issued, i am really angry with myself for losing it at usually i am so careful. x DSCF3649..pdf
  9. Ive added all the details to the letter in the link and saved it, i will print it off over the weekend at my parents house and post it early next week, registered post like you say with a £10 cheque. Do you think they are liable to start getting nasty again once they recieve the letter? weve had so much grief off this company over the years with Daily phonecalls harrassing us to pay and threating letters and all at a cost to us each time, they only stopped it once the CCJ was put in place in 2007. Did anyone else notice the discrepency on the CCJ amount oweing and the amount oweing on the same date on the Statment of payments? The CCJ figure is £4341.00 12/11/08 and on the statment it says £5692.20? does this mean the judge knocked alittle off and they finance company didnt do it? x
  10. I have completed the spread sheet, Ims had a look over it and said it looked ok. Not sure what a "subject to access" is so i will look into that The garage doesnt have a website ive looked, it did come up with the same phone number that i have on directory sites when i googled but the number is no longer recognised ( i rang it to check) so not sure if that means it doesnt exsist anymore? Do i send a letter to the Finance company explaining we want to claim back all the insurances ect with a copy of the spread sheet..? ive never done anything like this before so really not sure what we are supposed to do now. I will look into the "subject to access" things. Thanks for advice your all being so helpful x
  11. Hope someone is able to offer advice on what we should do next thanks in advance x
  12. So sorry i didnt think when i added it, i was amazed i did it and just wanted it checked over, i understand the importance of not leaving personal details on public display. Thanks Ims for your help, your a star! hugs x
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