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  1. should work this time, apologies for quality, had to print, edit then rescan.
  2. why has it gone so small? looks fine on my computer when i open it
  3. Hey guys i have had a response to my letter and i have managed to get my scanner working.
  4. letter drafted and printed as are copies of dispute and cca request. So are Turnbull Rutherford just hfo in disguise? or a separate company?
  5. Quick update, Turnbull Rutherford letter arrived today confirming that they have been instructed to collect on behalf of HFO. currently in the process of wording them a letter with copies of my previous correspondence with HFO attached, will wait and see what rubbish they come back with.
  6. yes i have letters from HFO capital and services from the West Byfleet address so i presume they run from the same offices even though they are both registered at different addresses.
  7. So do you think I should just ignore this letter?
  8. This was my thoughts, alas why I queried the account in the first place.
  9. just google street mapped the registered address 22 is the green fronted building with O'gorman baningan Purtill and co on the front? http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&tab=wl seems a strange place to have a registered office?
  10. Sorry for the lateness of reply.. the letter reads as follows HFO HFO capital limited PO box 342 west byfleet surrey KT14 6YX 0845 0268227 04 february 2013 NOTICE OF INSTRUCTION OF SOLICITORS ACCOUNT NO: 1111111111 HFO REF 22222222 ORIGINAL LENDER: WELCOME FINANCIAL SERVICES ASSIGNED BALANCE: £1624.68 dear mr -------- IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT We note that you have failed satisfy the outstanding debt owed on your account. we have now instructed Turnbull Rutherford Solicitors to act on our behalf with regards to your account. Please accept this letter as formal notification that you must direct any further correspondence or enquiries relating to your Welcome Financial Services debt ( which is owed to HFO capital Limited) to Turnbull rutherford solicitors. Their contact details are as follows: Turnbull Rutherford Solicitors Building 3 Chiswick Park 566 chiswick high road london W4 5YA telephone 02088495720 email: enquires@turnbullrutherford.com What this means for you: you need to pay the outstanding balance (owed to HFO capital limited) on your account directly to turnbull rutherford solicitors. Additional Interest and Charges may be applied by Turnbull Rutherford Solicitors to your account' Please immediately contact Turnbull Rutherford Solicitors quoting reference number ----------- should you have any further queries. Yours sincerely ( Illegible signature) HFO capital limited Registered in EIRE registered office: 22 Bridge street, Ringsend, Dublin 4, EIRE Registered number: 446327 VAT registration number: IE.9673073N directors: B.Nathan (british) S.Blackburn (Maltese)
  11. contacted via Polly ashford address listed here several times no response so contacted via main email address got the standard server response but nothing more. should i send HFO capital A copy of my original dispute letter? i am trying to scan this new letter up but my printer is having none of it.
  12. Hey guys and girls, I know its been a while (well just over a year), just when the thoughts of HFO Services were starting to fade guess what? I get a letter from HFO Capital Limited stating that they have instructed Turnbull Rutherford Solicitors to act on their behalf. I'm slightly miffed to say the least....1 because "HFO SERVICES" were dealing with my account a year ago not HFO CAPITAL. 2 The amount they claim i owe them has gone down by £1000 which is nice considering they have supposedly been adding interest for a year. 3 they have completely ignored me since i sent my letters of dispute that includes sending me the rest of the paperwork i requested. should i just ignore this letter or send Turnball a dispute letter as well?
  13. yes the email address that was posted on here?
  14. Hey guys just a quick one, i emailed the oft on 9/12/11 and they still havent replied is there a standard sort of timescale for a for a response from them? As it happens i haven't heard a thing from HFO since my last post.
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