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Everything posted by framplot

  1. I'm writing to give another side to the story. In my opinion, the service I've received from Lasky's is second to none. Rather than repeat the story, here is the letter I've written to Lasky's Head Office. The Manager, etc etc HU1 3AU Re: Order ID 02? 5?? ?5 - Letter of Appreciation I am writing to let you know of the excellent service I have just received from your Joanne – I'm only sorry that I didn't ask for her surname. It might be said that what she did for me was just what she is employed for, but we all know that there are many ways of “doing” a job. I went on to the Internet to look for a supplier for an Epson PX720WD which a local computer repair shop had spoken highly of. I found your web site, thanks to Google, and saw that you were offering a good price. I have never dealt with you before, but I knew the name, so I went ahead and placed the order. I was told it would be delivered on Thursday and it was. Unfortunately, I struck a problem. No matter what I did, I ended up with a message telling me to insert the cartridges. I tried five times – I'm absolutely sure the cartridges are inserted correctly, and the positive click as I pushed the cartridge home seemed to confirm that they are correctly installed, but the message on the screen would not go away. I rang Laskys this morning as it appeared that my email, sent in the early hours of Sunday morning, had not reached the correct department. My telephone call was answered by Joanne, and immediately her voice was positive and re-assuring. I explained what had happened with the printer. She did not interrupt once, and having listened to me she said that the printer was in stock and that she would arrange for a new printer to be delivered on Friday and for the Parcel Force driver to pick up “my” printer. I had hardly got over the surprise of the pleasant phone call and the clear demonstration that Laskys have a “No Quibble” policy, when I received two emails from you – one to confirm the arrangements for the exchange and a Returns Form to be printed out – and the second which advised that you had refunded my postage. That is simply amazing – I constantly read forum postings, letters to Editors, and magazine articles, where this issue is raised, and it seems that you must be just about the only company that behaves in such an ethical manner !! Page Two I am only a private customer, so my business is not worth much, but rest assured – I will always visit your web first when I next want anything to do with computing, and will gladly tell my friends all about your excellent service. I would be very grateful if you would pass on my appreciation for the very pleasant way in which Joanne handled my call. She is a great credit to your organisation. Kind Regards Geo?? L???? I have no connection with Laskys - other than as a very satisfied customer. I suggest that the original poster should take note of the advice from subsequent poster. Don't make any more phone calls. Put everything in writing and send it by Recorded Delivery. When it is quite clear - as it is - that the Company is trading under it's own name, that is where you should address your complaint. They will soon advise you if your correspondence should be addressed elsewhere. Your insistence on writing to where you think you should, is clearly not getting you anywhere. Why not take a step backwards. Discuss the problem with a friend. Ask the friend to look at this site. Then ask her to write the next letter. Don't say, "Why should I." Just accept that you are not getting anywhere fast. If you had the money, you would no doubt be happy for the lawyer to write letters on your behalf. Think of your friend as a lawyer - but without having to expect a huge bill at the end !! I hope you manage to get the matter settled to your satisfaction.
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