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  1. Hello all I left my previous employment where I am due unpaid wages. My employer has not been forthcoming and I am preparing to submit an ET1 form to the Employment Tribunal. In the meantime, I would be happy to settle the claim for a portion of what I am owed, just to have it over and done with. I have read that settlement offers (Compromise Agreements) have to be signed by a solicitor in order to be legally binding. My question: is there any way in which I can make a Without Prejudice settlement offer to my previous employer in full and final settlement without involving lawyers? If so, does anyone have a template I could review? Many thanks!
  2. I wasn't dismissed- I left. You are advised (by the employment act 2002 and ACAS) to follow the grievance procedures (either standard or modified) to try to resolve any issues before bringing a claim to the employment tribunal. the modified procedure applies in situations that occur after employment has ended.
  3. Hello all My employment has ended and I am currently raising a grievance with my former employer regarding unpaid wages. He has invited me to a meeting. I want to follow the modified grievance procedure and not meet with him. Does he have to agree to the modified grievance procedure or can I use it without his agreement as my employment has ended? If he does not agree to following the modified grievance procedure, do I have to meet with him in accordance with the protocols necessary for bringing a claim to the Employment Tribunal? Many thanks!
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