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  1. Hi, I wanted to post this as literally this morning I've had a similar experience with Yes Loans myself. After stupidly paying the £69.50 fee I was passed to an advisor to discuss the 'final details' of my application. Didn't happen obviously!. I cancelled my application and then to my horror disovered the full extent of the problems I might expect getting my money back. Anyway, I've had a look around and it seems people who don't give up and who know where to go (i.e trading standards) have had success! I have said to them via letter (phone calls are apparently a waste of time) that under Section 155 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, their own Terms and Conditions, and the Financial Services Act 2004 I expect a refund within 30 days - if I do not get it I will be going to the OFT and the police. Which I will. I have sent my letter recorded delivery too. I hope this information and the posts above are helpful to people - I will definitely not be giving up!!!!!!!
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