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Oh ffs

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Everything posted by Oh ffs

  1. I've managed to send an Emal via their faq and will be following this with a call. Let them know that I am disputing the debt and that i don't understand why my balance is so large considering the account is 33 days in arrears. Requested full breakdown of balance and let them know I am unprepared to pay the amount they state is owing but will settle for less. I also read the OFTs debt collection guidance and needless to say they have contravened it plenty. Will be shopping them via the relevant channels. Thanks for all your help, I feel more confident that should it go to court I would have a good defence.
  2. Thanks everyone. Does anyone have an email address for them? I try and do it through their website and it doesn't work.
  3. What's the legal grounding for that? Not disputing it but i want to get all my facts straight
  4. Hi all, been reading these forums and finding some great info - thanks. I've pretty much arranged repayment plans with all my creditors, apart from Minicredit that is. I can see many issues with these sharks on here but not much in the way of outcomes, positive or otherwise. Basically I've taken out a loan of £250 from these pirates at the end of April 2011 and paid the interest (rolled over the loan) in both May and June. It gets to 31st July and I owe them £250 + interest which I reckon is around £340 assuming a 1% daily compound interest per the contract/loan agreement. I defaulted on the loan and therefore they slapped on default charges of £25 and a further £55 per the contract. I paid £50 a couple of days after this and have emailed them to no avail explaining I shall be able to pay the remaining balance as at that date by 1st September provided no further fees or interest. These emails have been ignored and/or bounced back. Now the balance stands at £721.50. This morning I called them and asked for a breakdown of this balance as this clearly they are charging me more per day than 1% interest as per the contract. Apparently they are charging daily! for each failed collection (my debit card details have changed and I haven't provided them) and a further £100 doorstep collection fees 'per the contract' but I should logon to my account to see the balance (which is actually showing as 'debt collection' stage). I know the balance, that's why I queried it! There is only mention of 'reasonable' fees in the contract and this doesn't stack up as reasonable to me! I offered £400 this morning to wash my hands of them thinking they would take this but I was informed 'this wasn't enough'. Without going into too much more detail, my work will be seriously affected by a CCJ and I as much as I would love to defend a claim with the court I can't afford to risk it. What's the best approach? Keep offering £400? Ask what they are prepared to settle for? I can't afford to pay £721.50 or whatever it is by tomorrow and I told them as much, hence the lady on the phone asked what I could afford (and then stating that's not enough). I've read they are only legally entitled to the original amount + one month interest. Which law states this? The CCA? I guess what I want to know is - has anyone successfully settled in such a way with minicredit and how did they manage this? Oh and don't worry, I shall be complaining to the OFT etc.
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