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  1. Tony was a very nice feller indeed ! But how the hell did you know I spoke to him amongst all the prosecutors?! And by the end of the morning, I felt like I knew Lorraine better than my missus! I'm a but sad & think Weller can do no wrong, but have to agree The Jam were miles better than TSC, as is Weller solo!
  2. All, thanks for the great advice. I wrote a very grovelling letter, explaining about losing my job, career etc, and then managed to call them. After a bit of back & forth which involved me faxing my letter to them, I spoke to a Prosecutor. He could not have been more helpful. He explained that it was my delay in sending the form back (almost 2 months, i'm ashamed to say.) that has generted the court summons. He said they don't set out to ruin people's lives or careers, and court is a last option. He had reviewed my case & letter, and was happy for me to pay their full costs (£13.60 fare differential +£100.00 court costs) to settle out of court. He explained that the summons will still be called at court, but would be marked as 'withdrawn' - so no ciriminal record, the court don't get involved. the railway DO keep all your details, so next time, they do send you straight to court. The message to all you genuine 'victims' is, speak to them - they are reasonable people, explain why you were in the wrong, apologise + say it was a one-off, offer to pay the full costs and the problem goes away!
  3. HELP!!! re London Easter Railway I was travelling from Billericay to Stratford with a standard class ticket & the train came in as only 4 carriages instead of 8. As I was waiting at the end of the platform, i ran back to the front car & squeezed my way on + entered 1st class - it was that or wait for the next train & i was already late for work. I was stopped at the next station & cautioned. a genuine error on my part and a first offence- i had sufficient funds on me to pay the additional fare but wasnt given the opportunity to pay. another passenger was next to me & in the same situation - we swapped numbers just in case - i spoke with him today & after he returned their letter, he was given the option of paying the fare diffference & an admin fee. i havent been taht lucky - i guess its due to my delay in sendign the form back to them. I received a form asking me to state my side from the prosecutions unit, which I did complete but stupidly didn't send straight back - I sent it back nearly 3 weeks ago, but in the meantime have received a court summons. If i go to court, I will be found guilty, lose my job + be unemployable as I work in the financial services industry. My court date is set for 30th Sept 2011 - is there anythign I can do to grovel to them & settle their costs out of court? I need to avoid going to court at all costs>> Any advice greatly appreciated - please help me so I can stop worrying!
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