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Everything posted by jack100

  1. Thanks that's very helpful . good to know what they're allowed to take.
  2. I am looking for some advice about paying back an overpayment. I am currently getting esa support. What is the amount the dwp can take of each week/fortnight. They are going to take just under £60 a fortnight. I phoned the debt Management number and the person i spoke to was very rude. I was very polite and said to him that i cant manage that amount. He said theres nothing i could say or do and they will be taking that amount whether i like it or not.He also said what hardships did i have. wasnt sure what he meant by that. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
  3. Just a wee update We called the dwp on monday morning about esa. It took 5 calls before we got through and even then it was a waste of time ! The gent could not understand us and i could not make out a word he said so it was off to a bad start. He told us he will get someone to call us back between 2 and 5 or tusday morning. We got a call on tusday morning and all she said was the form will be sent out and just fill it in and return. I will let you know what happens. Thankyou all for your support x
  4. Please dont worry to much about this. I have had 3 visits from compliance team and three times it went in my favor! I got more money from the dwp as i was not getting extra money for my son who was on dla. The girl who has been my officer every visit is very nice and laughed how she gets me more money every visit. I am having trouble myself and would welcome the compliance team with open arms. Please dont worry about the visit, they might need some extra info from you as there has been alot of change in your life these past few years. I wish you all the best x
  5. Thank you rebel for your post. I do try my best to write by myself, but this is the first time i have used a forum lol. My husband does all the writing but i am doing this on my own. I think he is proud i am trying lol Thanks everyone for your replys and support. I cant tell you how happy i am knowing there is good people out there willing to help a stranger. Will keep you updated x
  6. Hi Margaret, I would like to thank you for your reply and the links. Both myself and husband are very grateful for all your help. We have been on the phone to the dpw about the rate of money we recive. I dont think they have added me on his claim as i had my own money before. I was told his esp was only for him but for some reason there only giving us 112 a week. I was never on his ib so when it changed to esa it was for his cliam and not as man and wife. I have made many long calls to ib and esa and only once did a girl say my hubby ib was for him and not me which is strange. She told us she would look into this and make any changes . It then went to esa and they told us the amount is right and i am only intiteld to 50p. I went to see welfare and she told me i was not in any group and should have had a medical after 12 weeks. As my claim was made in july she said the time i have waited is out of order and called esa and the medical place to get me seen. She then told me she was calling the mp about my case . It was very busy at the welfare place so i did not get time to ask anything else. Now last week i got a letter from my mp and just about died lol. Now true to the mp i also got the app from asto for medical like she said on the letter. I will call on monday again about income and have hubby there to get them to look at his claim. Oh and we have never been split up or out like that. Been marred for 23 years:wink: Thank you again for ur support margaret and i hope you can make sence of my writing . I will post again on monday after we call. xxx
  7. Hi, i have read people filled out a form before there medical. I have not done this and i am worried it might go against me. I have waited from july to get a medical so they had loads of time to send me any forms that should be filled out! I have alot of medical problems and one is i have a catheter and bag as my bladder is done even tho i am 40. Will i need to strip off even if its a male doc? I dont feel confortable doing this so can i ask for a female? I am getting more stress and having more panic attacks over this:| Sorry for all the questions x
  8. Thankyou both so much for ur help and advice. Its my husband thats on esa now but i dont have enough stamps now. I was on esa support before i went to jail and got about 130 pounds a week for myself. Its a real struggle to pay the heating and elc bills on 112 for us both. I never had a medical for my last claim so ur link is very helpfull. Thank you for no nasty comments about jail, its very kind of you both to take the time to reply and give good advice. Might need more help about asto as it seems very bad lol Thanks again x
  9. Hi all, Can i please ask if anyone can help me and support would be nice after a difficult few years I was on esa support after been on ib for many years. I went to jail for 12 weeks and on release i apply again. Now to try and make this easy as i am not good at writing. My hb was on ib but now went on to esa work group. He gets 112 pounds a week and i get 50p a week but its paid every 12 weeks! We have one child and get tax c for him. I put in for esa in july 13 and after many calls to the dwp they say thats all i can get. Well i went to welfare and she told me i should have had a medical done so she called the dwp and asked for them to get me one asap. She also told me she was calling the the mp and on mon i got a letter from the mp to say she had called asto to give me medical soon. I got a letter to say i have one in two weeks time so happy about that. Can anyone tell me what we should be getting to live of as we have a morgage and now owe alot of money out. I hope that makes sence and u can understand most of it. Any help u can give is welcome. Thanks guys
  10. Hi honeybee, i see the gp this afternoon but she does no whats going on. The cab office sent out a very nice lady to see us today and my son nurse and consultant are going mad over the way we have been treated. I got a letter today to say the car is been take back, god nos how i will get my son to school and give him is feeds but i guess the school will need to help altho my son wont like this. I have lost it for myself, but i dont no if i can post all the story. Thanks for ur kindness x
  11. Hi all Well not good at writing and under so much stress i cant even think. I hope the people who report people who have a disability rot in hell. I no there is good people on here and i wish you all the best in ur fights and claims, but i am not strong enough and cant carry on. Been thro so much in my life from child abuse to being hit with a drunk driver as i took my son out for a walk in 94, but the pain i feel is to bad to go on. God bless you all x
  12. many thanks for advice, i have sent a email to the cab office as plan to go in on monday to see them. the stress is making me ill and i did not know what to do. thanks again
  13. I got a letter today about mine and my hubby dla to say we need to attend interview under caution. We had bother over a couple up the road and i was a witness today at court about it. My hubby is only out of hospitial and the stress is killing him. My gp gave me diazapam today and i take temazapam at night to which is due to long tear illness. I am so upset i cant think or write so sorry if this makes no sence. I was awared this for life and find it strange this has happened after the bother we had. I dont no what to do and the stress is making me and hubby so sick with nerves its unreal. I have a catherter which has been in for 13 years and loads of other health problems. The interview is for thursday and i think i will just die. Any help will be great
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