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  1. Thanks Grotesque, that's a very good point, the lack of a reference number. there's something else to my case though, which i'm guessing now that you stated points a) & b) may help in my favour: the 'someone else's ticket' was actually inside my oyster card wallet, which contained an oyster card (with a couple £s credit) + a receipt (which one of the inspectors held in his hand and said that 'it had been issued earlier today' to his collegue, who was taking notes). But i'm not sure now that the one taking notes took any note of that, because i was feeling so shameful and stressed that i don't even remember seeing him writting that down, even though i was saying that yes, 'i topped up today and used it once'. anyway, will definitelly wait for the letter and get back to CAG for advice - and hopefully i won't have suffered a nervous beakdown before that. thanks again
  2. Hi Old-CodJA, thanks for the quick reply. I have been reading other cases in this forum and i really appreciate your expert advice. of course i'm feeling really awful and, like everyone else in the same situation, would do whatever is possible to avoid going to court and getting a criminal record. Would you find a good idea writting TFL a letter stating my sincere apologies, as well as offering to pay for the enquiry costs + fare and promising that will never happen again (i definitelly won't be doing it again). thanks
  3. hi, i just got caught using my girlsfriend's monthly travel card at an underground station, at a zone that the card doesn't cover. As i was attempting to leave the station i spoted an inspector and, as a panic reaction, turned the other way, and that's when other inspectors got me. They checked my details and came across the fact that, last year, on my only ever trouble with police/inspectors, i was issued a £50 penalty fare to which i successfully appealed (didn't have to pay). He was saying that the surenames didn't match and the date of birth is similar (i probably gave only my middle name at the time and the date of birth might have been written down wrong by the previous inspector). among the several questions/answers between me and the inspector, were: .is this card yours? - no .so your intentions were just leaving the station without paying? - yes .you have any money on you? - no i wasn't born in the EU although i hold a EU passport (fact that i didn't mention to the inspector). I also see the whole thing as a big mistake and certainly won't be doing it again. my main question is; what is the worst possible penalty in this case? Also, how long can it take for a letter to be issued to me - and, will i need a solicitor? any help would be very much appreciated Thanks
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