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  1. Hi, Thanks for the advice, i agree that i got a dud agent! He said that if they add up my usage over the last year it would come to more at the end of the 12 months and i would have a debt owing to them? My answer was simple you cannot charge me for an estimated bill before I have even used it! He spoke with his supervisor and she advised that they wouldn't be able to reudce the amount at the moment. (I wasn't able to speak with her myself) The problem that he was saying is that i moved in to my property Sept last year and had quite high usage, I explained that we were getting used to living in a bigger property, but this would not be happening this year. I also asked him to tell me what the average usage for a property of my size should be using and I am using just under what they say i should be using?????? I will try again as you have suggested, but at the moment I have cancelled my DD as i refused to let them take that amount. Can't believe how unhelpful they were!
  2. How can I dispute their direct debit increase without changing supplier? I have argued that what they are trying to charge me will incure me financial problems and that it is estimated not actual, so how can they charge me something that I have havent had yet? My gas bill for May to August £174 they want me to pay £96 per month over the quater? My electricity same period £125 they want me to pay £59 per month over the quarter? Advice please!
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