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Everything posted by davidscreditfile

  1. I am assuming that the above CCA letter is OK to send for Bank Accounts and to DCA's who hold the debt that has been passed to them> Thanks, Div
  2. They have never sent any letters to me....they conducted a debt tracing search.. I am guessing through the voters roll, and found my name and then did a credit search.. If I send them a letter, with the above wordings, will that have them remove the search - as it is fairly negative, considering anyone potentially giving me credit will see this and probably decline! - There is no account number or anything, just outstanding debt search undertaken by Apex on 2 dates.... ;-( Div
  3. I've posted this in Re: Outstanding Debt Search - help please! Unsure Which thread I actually posed the question to about Equifax and Apex, please forgive me if I am not supposed to post in this manner. This is the reply from Apex regarding disputing their credit search for outstanding debt on my Equifax credit file. (Apex conducted a Table 1 search on my Equifax credit file and I disputed it with Experian (still awaiting a reply from them) and Apex directly, asking them to provide proof that they have the correct data subject and could provide evidenced that they had authority to conduct said search) This is the reply; Dear Mr xxxxxxxxxx, Following my email below. Apex Credit Management works on behalf of a number of high street banks and creditors for the purpose of debt collection and trace. This account was passed to Apex by Lloyds Banking Group who have requested that we trace and collect on behalf of them. I understand that you have requested a copy of your agreement for the above account, please note this will need to be requested directly to Lloyds Banking Group who remain the data controller for this account, this copy of agreement and terms and conditions will state that Lloyds Banking Group can outsource the accounts to Debt Collection Agencies such as Apex Credit Management to trace and collect. Having contacted our trace department they have confirmed that this search is correct and is to remain, however If you dispute this you will need to contact Lloyds Banking Group directly as we will require confirmation that this account was sent to us in error. Regards Compliance Advisor - I have already complained to Apex and Equifax, but now they are telling me that Lloyds have informed them the search is correct. Any ideas as I never have had any Lloyds account at my address and I have only lived at 1 address. I feel like I am being given the run around. Thanks for any help in advance, David
  4. I received this reply from Apex regarding disputing their credit search for outstanding debt on my Equifax credit file. This is the reply; Dear Mr xxxxxxxxxx, Following my email below. Apex Credit Management works on behalf of a number of high street banks and creditors for the purpose of debt collection and trace. This account was passed to Apex by Lloyds Banking Group who have requested that we trace and collect on behalf of them. I understand that you have requested a copy of your agreement for the above account, please note this will need to be requested directly to Lloyds Banking Group who remain the data controller for this account, this copy of agreement and terms and conditions will state that Lloyds Banking Group can outsource the accounts to Debt Collection Agencies such as Apex Credit Management to trace and collect. Having contacted our trace department they have confirmed that this search is correct and is to remain, however If you dispute this you will need to contact Lloyds Banking Group directly as we will require confirmation that this account was sent to us in error. Regards Compliance Advisor - I have already complained to Apex and Equifax, but now they are telling me that Lloyds have informed them the search is correct. Any ideas as I never have had any Lloyds account at my address and I have only lived at 1 address. I feel like I am being given the run around. Thanks for any help in advance, David
  5. Being new I thought you were all administrators of the site! I never knew one could gain these, which is good. I see you are in the superior higher authority catagory
  6. Ha, I remember the good times when my Gran used her cards in the click-clock machine... ! Also, double tap where?!?!
  7. I'd be interested in your findings. The credit scoring system is unknown - like, nobody knows. I've tried to find individuals who actually work within CRA companies or the makers of their systems - but have got nothing. I remember a time when you got credit easy - and ok, there is fraud, but they have definitively tightened up their systems and from memory the scoring system is fairly new? in the past 10 years or so? Personally, I think the scoring system is based upon your income and expenditure as well as what you have been able to pay in the past. However, the only problem being is that if someone never has had any credit or has been out of the country for many years either with work, family or forces, then they will have real problems gaining or establishing any credit, which I feel is unfair. Basically, I feel that the credit scoring system should be transparent and we should know exactly how they score and what we get points for - I don't feel it is anything that can be used against the credit industry. If they were more transparent then I feel people would not lie, the truth always wins! p.s. You mention in your signature, click your star if you've helped out - I don't see anywhere to leave comments ?
  8. Experian tend to collect more data than the rest, for example, Experian will tend to capture little things like how long you have said you lived at each addresses, ,what you stated your income was on each application etc. I'd say it is essential that you go through your experian report with a fine tooth comb - even the smallest of erroneous information, like one one application you state you liked there for 1 year 2 months and the next 1 year 4 month or salary £30k, then salary £29K would have an impact. The more erroneous information on your file, the less your score... As I am sure you know they must hold accurate data - so try to ensure that each detail on your file matches, if not - have them change it. I maybe wrong, and there are probably other factors, but Equifax are the ones that cause people most difficulty. Also Experian might have a different scoring system. I'm sure if you listed some details one of the guys here could also comment or make suggestions? Div
  9. I do not think N Hunter stores any credit information, only if you have applied for a loan or mortgage, they keep some data, but not information to payment history.... which you have got to ask, why even have them then? They process 100,000 applications per day or week? So I am assuming that any mortgage or loan application is processed at some point through them and if any information differs to what they might have, then it is flagged? Who knows..... I'd imagine, the only reason you are on n hunter is because you are a fraudster??
  10. How about this; Mr XXXXXXXXX Address Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Date: Re: Complaint – Searches Credit Report Ref No: XXXXXXXXXXXX Created: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Company Name: Apex (Apex Credit Management Limited) Search Reason: Outstanding Debt Dear Compliance Manager, Equifax, I would like to lodge a formal complaint against your company and would like a clarification response to the below; On 6.6.2011, I submitted a dispute online, concerning Searches contained on my credit file within Table 1 of my report. I informed you that I believe Apex Credit Management have the wrong data subject and asked you to verify that their information was accurate and correct. I also posed the question regarding which of, Table 1 and Table 2, on my online credit report, were actually visible by potential lenders and other organisations. On the 08.07.2011, I received a reply from Emma Dempsey, advising me that Apex Credit Management had investigated my claim and that the search was to remain on my file. I was also informed that searches carried out in Table 1 are not visible to potential lenders or any other organisations. This was concurred by your client Apex Credit Management. I would demand that you seek evidence from your client Apex and ensure that they do indeed have the correct data subject, complying with the First and Fourth Principles of the DPA 1988 and on the advice given my the Information Commissioners Office on the registering of Information. During this process I would also demand the removal of this search until you have verified the above. I would also like clarification on searches contained within Table 1 of my credit report. On numerous occasions, both Equifax and your clients have stated that searches in Table 1, are not visible to potential lenders or other organisations. However, this in contrary to the information provided by Equifax online, within “Information about searches” Where it states that searches in Table 1, can be seen by potential lenders and other organisations. It also contradicts information given by Equifax to a Megan Webster, Adjudicator at the FOS, Quote ''Equifax has clarified to me that a lender WILL be able to see these types or searches and it may be something that has an impact on a decision'' She goes on to state. ''A lender doing a credit search may wish to take into account any outstanding debts an applicant might have” Finally, I would ask for a formal response to my concerns as to the actual use of the Table 1 and Table 1, are they seen or not seen by lenders, and the impact if any on a subject’s credit status. I would be grateful for a response within 14 days, Regards, xxxxxxxxxxx
  11. I'm guessing I would need to SAR the company in the first instance, as the debt would not relate to my date of birth, it's another guy with the same name (I've had Halifax take off similar information) - so they would probably have to write to me stating they have no info relating to me and remove the search? Failing that, complain to relevant bodies and them demanding the withdrawal of the search for not following data processing regulations in verifying their inormation is accurate and relates the the correct data subject?? Thoughts? Div
  12. I've asked Brig re letter to send them, hopefully with a threat re your post?
  13. Are there any such letters which I could compose around?
  14. Anyone any update on this, lots of posts and only 2 people have did a SAR and received their info - 1. No information 2. Some Mortgage Application Info. I've heard no-one provide any information regarding negative information held by N Hunter Limited - Which, I feel is strange! On reading this post and similar posts, I gathered the following; If you want to fully understand your credit situation you need to SAR each of these companies; Experian Limited - 0844 481 8000 £2 Equifax PLC - 0870 0100 583 £2 Call Credit Limited - 0870 060 1414 £2 Experian Decision Analytics (EDA Experian -also is MCL Software) 01704 501 001 £10 (MCL Software - T: 01704501001 F: 01704533003 i · nfo@mclsoftware.co.uk . http://www.mclsoftware.co.uk) £10 Synetics Solutions Limited 01782 664000 £10 N HUNTERLimited, PO Box 2756 Stoke-on-Trent ST6 9AQ - £10 N Hunter, MCL/EDA & Synetics require £10 including ID and address verification. It seems that sending a simple SAR, including a copy of your passport omitting sensitive data, including signature and only bearing address, including an original bill omitting same details will be sufficient to get info form them, but more than so they will keep your £10 and say there is nothing on their systems. CIFAS - please write to: CISAS, 6th Floor, Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LT What is also worth noting is that some directors of N Hunter are also Directors of other financial institutions, including debt collection agencies and IVA companies; Fresh Money Solutions Limited (Fresh Money Limited) / Action Associates Ltd- http://www.freshmoneysolutions.net/page6.html Bananas Limited (previously The Lending Company) The Beacon Group of Companies Limited - http://www.beaconhomeloans.co.uk Sure Money Limited (http://www.suremoney.swift-cash.com/index.php), part of Swift Cash UK Ltd (http://www.swiftcash.com/) International Communication & Data Limited Below are also companies owned by Experian Scorex UK Limited - http://www.scorex.com, QAS Limited - http://www.qas.co.uk/ , Techlightenment Limited - http://www.techlightenment.com/ , seems to be a branding and data capturing company FN Services Limited - http://www.experian.co.uk/business-information/index.html - Hitwise UK Limited - http://www.hitwise.com/uk - Footfall Limited - http://www.footfall.com/ Tallyman Limited It would be good to know if anyone has any update on the previous posts?
  15. Has there been any response from this company? Also having accepted your ID for Driving License, Did they comply or what did you send as address verification? a origional bill omitting details? Would be interested to know what happened
  16. Indeed, although my Bank Account is not showing on my credit report either! I paid all my debts off when I came into a small amount of money and have not had the requirement for applying for credit - although I was out the country for 10 years, but am still on the voters roll. Im in the process of applying for my Experian report, so once that is fine, I'll probably speak to my bank. Thanks, Div
  17. Interesting!, would this not be a false statement, under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 ? If they are telling the FOS that are seen and consumers they are not - surely there is something which we can do to have these searches moved to Table 2? The FOS say that they should be seen by lenders, So, what is the situation really, are they seen or aren't they? Also, in my case, it was ust an outstanding debt search, nothing more - but I do not have any debt - so want the search removed!
  18. I was thinking of doing this - however having only recently applied for CallCredit & Equifax report, I will need to get Experian report before applying for anything as unsure what lurks within that file! My call credit report is fine - I've had linked addresses removed and am in the process of removing 2 credit searches, one of which is an Employment Check, so that file seems to be free from negative information, Equifax only has a settled catalogue account and 2 searches from Apex which I am trying to have removed as discussed in my previous thread, which you are aware of, however, I am thinking that Experian, who, from what I have read, seem to attract a lot of information, so I'm thinking this will be the worst of them all. Once I've cleaned up all 3 reports and also sent a SAR letter off to National Hunter, who seem to be the credit agency that's secret, I can then go about applying for a card and hopefully supply supporting financial documents to support an application. I should have kept up to date with my reports, but nonetheless, your help is appreciated. Div
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