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Everything posted by B.N.T

  1. had my visit from the social worker today, i asked about direct payment and she left me a pack to read, she said i will get a visit from OT to see what care i will need, i was told i could get a carer to move in with me now while i am waiting on a bigger flat, don't know how this will work though because i would of thought this would mean i would be breaking the tenants agreement.
  2. thanks for that erika, my carer is not named on anything, the social worker is coming out to assess me to see if i need a full time carer, i am in the process of looking for a 2 bedroom flat because i need a carer, the carer is just a friend not a partner (should of had social worker visiting me today but phoned to rearrange for monday 22/08/11.).
  3. thank you andyandflo, it is strictly carer relationship only, who would i have to take advice from to stop these prying people
  4. Hi everyone not sure where to put this thread, i live in a 1 bedroom council flat, i am looking to move to a 2 bedroom house/flat because i would like my carer to move in with me permanent, i am disabled, im on high rate mobility and middle rate care, i have a social worker coming to visit me on friday 19/8/11 to do an assessment to see if i am eligible for a 2 bedroom house/flat. What i would like to know is what questions will this social worker ask and what am i to expect. any advice would be appreciated. thank you
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