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  1. Thanks brass, exactly my thoughts - I did a search earlier and couldn't find any thing stating that you had to sign these in order to pay them back. I'll write the letter in full below (I'm not insensed, but you'll see what they're trying to say) 'I write further to your correspondence. The comments of which have been noted on our systems. We in the office are unable to set up an arrangement because a list of goods (levy) and walking possession is required. A statutory charge is incurred in accordance with regulations 45. This allows the listed goods to remain in your possession and available for use, whilst securing the repayment plan. The bailiff will need to access you circumstances and financial situation and will require you to complete the paperwork.' I'm thinking of responding with something like 'I would like take the opportunity to remind you that currently there is no law or regulation that states you must have a levy in order to accept a payment and therefore I understand that your letter dated xxxxx is to be taken as you refusing the payment plan I offered in the letter dated xxxxxx'. Subsequently I have forwarded your response to the Revenue & Benefits office for Teignbridge District Council in complaint and will continue to repay the debt directly to them. I really don't want to 'beg' them to take the offer, I am just as happy paying the council directly (however I'm still mildly concerned over them appealing the magistrate, even though there are only 2 payments left) and I get the impression that the Council don't really care how they get paid. Not sure if this consitutes spam, but just wanted to make what was said and what I intend on replying with so other users can see what goes on (I noticed this thread has had a fair amount of views).
  2. Hi Abs, you should have received a Liability Order from the Council at some point. I wouldn't worry too much about the false naming thing, however as quoted above, find out from the council (from tom) :- ou need to speak to someone at the Council and ask the following questions: 1 - how many Liability Orders they have against you 2 - the dates they were obtained 3 - the addresses they were for 4 - the period of time each covers 5 - how much each one was for 6 - how much is still outstanding 7 - the dates they were passed on for enforcement 8 - the dates & amounts of any payments Once you've done that the people here who have helped me loads with the same problem will be able to help you further.
  3. Thanks Tom (delayed I know). A little more to add to the story. The bailiff wrote to me in the end to inform me that they're about to return the debt to the council, unless I make payment immediatley..etc (rolls eyes). Any how, I responded to them with a letter I had sent to the council detailling the final two payments and what dates they'll paid (I was hoping the letters could be used for me if it ever gets to court). They replied, basically saying they can not accept a payment plan unless a list of goods and walking possession had been signed by a bailiff at my property..now I'm assuming this is complete BS, however does anyone know of any law/act that disproves what they've said? I'd like to send a letter back to both the bailiffs and the council to show that they're actively refusing the repayment of the debt (which is now almost done..roll on April)
  4. Sorry Tom, Still musing this, do you think that, even though the original reason for not paying is pretty much Culpable Neglect? Rob
  5. , me again. So I've been paying 137 per month via the councils online payment system however I have missed a payment and have paid a bit less this month. The Bailiffs have been quiet for the past month. I'm concerned that if this goes back to the council, if they choose to supply me with a committal to prison that this will be shown to be willful refusal, especially as I missed a payment. I'll admit, when I wasn't paying previously I had no real reason, I was just naive. However since recieving the LO I have been trying to pay it back. Is there much chance of me going to prison? The thought of doing so is quite terrifying. If I lose my job, I lose everything, I also share custody of my daughter. Thabks
  6. Thanks. Only outside possession is a company vehicle which isn't owned by me. It's obviously a company car (sign-written etc) so I'm assuming they'd be leaving themselves rather vulnerable if they attempted to clamp/tow it away?
  7. Thanks Tom, very helpful. I've managed to get the full amount including the fee's for the Liability Order and other information from the Council, so that's a great start. I'm still a little confused (paniced) so please bear with me :s I'm worried that if I just start paying the council via their online payment system and write to them to inform them of what I'm doing that the bailiffs will keep visiting my property. Is there a way to start paying the debt off, whilst keeping the bailiff's off my back without getting myself in any form of 'trouble'? Really do appreciate all of the quick responses
  8. Thanks Dazza, I'll take a look at the letter. Mines Teignbridge Council, so we must be geographically close! So a reasonable plan of actions seems to be :- 1) Make a payment to the council via their website (I'll start with £100.00 today) 2) Write to both Ross & Roberts and the Council informing them that I'm withdrawing their right of access, whilst also informing the Council of my plans to repay them (monthly fee's, dates..etc) Thanks for the heads up on the book. Lifes tough at the moment, single father, lots of debts (mostly my fault) - I think I'll be needing it!
  9. Hi Tom, Thanks for the fast response, really appreciate it. Does that mean I could pay the council a fee every month? (I can't pay the debt off in one payment). If I did this, I think I'll need to keep the Bailiff informed of what's going on? Would a letter suffice?
  10. Hello, I've stupidly fell behind on a few Council Tax bills and owe in the region of £1,400. I never received an LO however have been informed that a Liability Order has been made against me (the council told me this over the phone but won't send me any information on it). Had a first letter through the door yesterday from Ross and Roberts Bailiffs. After reading this forum I understand some of my rights and am a little calmer (still my mind is exploding with images of being left with nothing but squalor and sadness!). I know I don't have to let them in, however I do want to arrange a payment plan with them. I have a few questions :- 1) Who should I arrange the plan with? I've tried calling the council and they won't deal with the debt at all. 2) I'll be sending Ross and Roberts a letter and depending on part 1, I'll send them some money via their online payment system to make sure they understand I want to pay the debt back (and not use something like refusal to pay against me). What can I do if they reject my plan? I was thinking of paying in the region of £65.00 a month for 24 months as that's genuinely all I can afford. 3) Is there any way I can get the council to take the debt back? Thanks for any advice, just reading through this forum has saved my mind from exploding.
  11. Hi Troubled on Payday, I am experiencing almost exactly the same thing, with the same lenders for similar amounts - I know how you feel with the scary part. Am a single dad and have had to stop paying the interest as was starting to run out of money for food. The advice on this thread has really helped, so thank you very much for the advice. Rob
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