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debt mess

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Everything posted by debt mess

  1. Yes got email will be getting the money together and hopefully clear tomorrow thanks for advice over last year without it i would of been paying this off forever
  2. Not to worry they have agreed original loan plus interest , so happy.
  3. thanks renegade have upped my offer to 350 they are refusing not sure how to go now
  4. Hi have had a loan with toothfairy for well over a year now, have commented before! I have paid back just over 150 now , called them today to try and clear the original loan of 400 plus interest. I have been paying back weekly 5 to 10 pounds. I have just over 300 to hopefully clear the debt but they have refused it marshall hoare. Do i pay 300 and then say paying no more or carry on with a minimal payment ie 1 pound as they wont accept the offer? thanks
  5. i dont want to block have been straight up with them , just need best cheapest recording device to protect myself , as a back up to emails
  6. can anyone give advice on a good cheap recorder or is there an app on iphone thats good?
  7. yes will be getting a recorder shortly thanks
  8. have proof of my agreement for 3 prev months, but dont have a new agreement stated on phone i will carry on paying , will send an email and print screen stating will carry on
  9. i have no experience on legal side of things but if you have paid you have proof, i have been paying my agreement with them over 16 weeks have paid on time every time and still had these sort of emails texts, please dont pay back more than you should look around forums they are a good help
  10. have been through this myself dont panic some great people here to advise, last year i thought i was going to prison but after looking at this site i now feel in control
  11. I have had this debt for over a year so would explain that they are going to get nasty again after going quiet, got told doorstep collectors would be coming, i said that they didnt have my permission so if they do turn up will be told to go away , exactly the same as last year.
  12. I have paid back just over 100 and will keep going till i clear original loan plus a guess at interest, have told them all i will be paying is that but they keep changing the amount just cant get my head around a 1200 jump in a few days
  13. original loan was 400 not sure on interest now as took me a long time of argueing to get anywhere, was with toothfairy
  14. A while ago i came here for some advice thanks all, have had loads of problems with the companies but last three months have had a plan agreed and have been clearing debt slowly. While i have been paying back the temporary agreement have been getting texts at 0415 every sunday morning to say i have not made payment etc when i have. I have learnt to deal with this. This week i have had to talk with them again as 3 month period was ending, i have stated that i will carry on paying what i have been paying for 4 weeks and will renegotiate after that time if the texts stop at the stupid time, i cant switch my phone off my daughter sometimes works late! They cant guarantee or come to a new agreement so i will carry on with my small payments. My biggest problem is the debt has jumped alot Date: 29/07/2012 Debt GBP 2848 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 Repayments todate GBP 107.38 Total GBP 3604.62 Date: 24/07/2012 Debt GBP 2200 Missed Payment Fee 1 (day 29) GBP 10 Missed Payment Fee 2 (day 43) GBP 10 NDR Accept Case File GBP 200 Solicitors - Instructed GBP 150 Missed Payment Fee 3 (day 56) GBP 10 Closing Amount Discount GBP 57.62 Repayments todate GBP 102.38 Total GBP 2420 Can anyone advise because even though i have limited knowledge this is seriously wrong
  15. Again many thanks for all the replies i am trying to take on board what you have all said and i am feeling alot more happier today, still a little unsure on how to calculate the one month interest on payday loans, and will catalogues and credit cards freeze interest because the amounts i owe are going up at a higher rate than i will be paying? also for instance microcredit i received 80.50 so if i paid 100 to clear original debt plus 1 month interest how do i tell them thats all i am paying? sorry to be a pain and i am glad i will not be able to get credit for a while never want to get in this mess again
  16. also i am having a hard time emailing some of the companies mainly mini credit and toothfairy/ndr/ marshall hoares i have changed numbers so hoping to do all offers via email thanks again to all who help
  17. thanks for replying so quick, how do i work out the interest for each and how do i divide the 100? thanks
  18. please any advice would be much appreciated i have got myself in a lot of trouble i tried a dmp but they messed me about so have decided to try and sort things myself i am currently paying mobile money 85 a month and have not missed any payments and will make sure this gets paid after this i have about 100 left but not sure how to divide payments, i owe capital one credit card 675.94 littlewoods 1131.83 additions 105.97 wonga i received 400 but now its about 900 my direct loan received 300 on 21/4 but never been contacted 1monthloan received 300 about 700 now toothfairy received 400 now at 1428 payday express received 330 now about 700 microcredit received 80.50 now 701 quick quid received 600 now about 1000 any help will be a big help , i know i have been an idiot but it spiralled out of control and got in a bad cycle
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