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  1. I just received SimplySuppliments advert catalogue and an 8 page (exceptionally thin paper) "freebie" called Healthylife. Joke 1 : The "magazine" has £1.80 on the front...... yeah right. Joke 2 : Page 4 in the "magazine" speaks of our heart welfare. In the first sentance they state your heart beats 1,000,000 times a day. Well thats odd because before that they state the heart beats 70 x a minute, which means 4,200 x per hour and I make that using some simple maths 100,800 times a day. Is anyone reading/ proofing or editing this garbage? What other trash are they writing in there to sell their suppliments? Anyway, don't believe everything you read especially when someone is trying to sell you something. Maybe theeditors should start using some of their fish oil and Gingko Biloba products to get their grey matter into shape.
  2. I had to join up here cause now I have heard it all from Eon energy.... I received a letter from Eon regarding my electricity price increases... in brief..... quote There are a number of reasons that have caused these prices to rise. In part, world events such as those witnessed in Japan and North Africa/Libya, have had a dramatic effect in quite a short period of time. This was not an easy decision for us to make but we now have no option but to increase our prices. unquote Yes I copied their bad punctuation as well. Oh ok right so Libya effects my electric bill, how exactly? And err.... Nuclear disaster in Japan effects electric in the UK in what way exactly? I have never heard such cr*p in my whole life. A difficult decision eh....? Why do they not just be honest and say.... "At Eon we have shareholders who expect high profits despite times of recession and struggle for those on low incomes in the UK. As the majority of peoplw who hold shares are middle and upper class and very well off and they demand more profits we think you should furnish their pockets with money because we don't really give a rat's ar*se about you, we only care about profits." Well guess what Eon for those completely unbelieveable and tenuous lies. Bye bye.
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