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  1. Hi, not sure if this is the correct section to post this but here goes... to cut a long story short.. my maintanance fees where due, Pueblo evita says they could not get into my bank to get the money... they fined me then says i can not come on any of their sites till i pay up, now they have took 100,000 points of me. I wrote to them i found out that they had changed their bank number details my bank did not pay them coz they did not know who they were with the new numbers, Pueblo says it does not matter who's fault it was i was still late paying my maintance fees, now i have no points to go on holiday with as they have in my eyes conned me, it was their fault all along they changed numbers without letting me know just so they could do this... what would be the best thing to do now.. i would like to tell them keep the points im off and not coming back ever agian or ever going to pay fees again.. would i be able to do this.
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