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  1. Many thanks for that Ell-enn - it looks far more useful than the one I have been using
  2. I'll do it tomorrow and let you know the outcome - probably another 7 days to come up with a completed I&E form.
  3. Just spoken to hubby and he is in agreement with me just carrying on responding to them as I have been doing. I think I will just lay the facts out for them, i.e. minimal equity, joint mortgage, my loan, single mum and her daughter living there, income reduces substantially in winter so if I did a new I&E form now the monthly payment would have to be reduced. Or is that a bad idea?
  4. Thanks for reminding me eggboxy1. There is a small amount of equity in the property, but not much, but the issue of making a mum and her young daughter homeless is certainly something I hope they would take into account.
  5. Well I think I have made my mind up but best run it past my hubby first If they do decide to go for our house and make a young mum and her daughter homeless too, good luck to them - they will inherit the neighbours from hell in doing so - another reason I wasn't sorry to leave!
  6. That's what we are currently doing (renting) and it is something I thought I would feel uneasy about but the honest truth is, I don't at all. There are times I wish it was ours and we could do what we wanted with it but those moments are pretty short-lived, especially when something goes wrong, and the landlord has to sort it
  7. I just don't know what to do now. Part of me thinks "oh just do whatever you have to (them) and sell the bl**dy thing". The likelihood of us ever paying the mortgage off in our lifetime is highly, if not certainly, unlikely due to re-mortgaging it a few years ago. Bad business decisions led to that stupid decision but life goes on. Even if we wanted to sell it ourselves to free up what little equity there is, it would be pretty pointless as there is no way on earth we could afford to buy another property where we are now, or get a mortgage. I do wonder sometimes just what the benefit of owning a property is (apart from the kids inheriting it - split 4 ways!) - unless of course you do own it outright, or can see that happening in the long term. Unfortunately that just isn't going to happen for us, unless we win the pools - and we don't do those so.....
  8. Hoping I don't get caught in the cross-fire here Eggboxy you mentioned the fact that my property is in joint names (mortgage) - I think you, or someone else had pointed this out earlier, and I do understand but, as I haven't informed "them" of this, would they be aware, or should I tell them?
  9. Now I don't know what to do for best. The last thing I want to do is antagonise these people by coming across as a "smart Alec" and telling them what I will and will not do, but the reality is that I can only afford £20 a month, at the moment. I have done an I&E form for my own benefit, which is how I know this figure is a realistic one but I don't want to give them more ammunition, if I really don't have to, by handing it over to them. But will I make them even more determined to "win" if I don't? Thanks again guys.
  10. Hi I could get back pretty quickly if need be and this time of year is the best time for me to be able to do so, work-wise. Is it worth me pointing out that the house is heavily mortgaged (in both mine and my husband's name), very little equity given the current market, and that the debt is in my name only? And that I am prepared to an I&E form should a judge request it - or is that a pointless exercise? Thanks again.
  11. Oh well, more of the same Their reply today: "Our client has reviewed your email and we confirm that we cannot accept any repayment proposals from you, without having full knowledge of your financial situation. You have failed to complete and return the income and expenditure forms sent to you on 4 previous occasions. We confirm that all correspondence sent to you in relation to this matter will be presented to the court. Our client is not refusing your offer of replayment; however it cannot accurately assess your offer without sight of your completed income and expenditure form. We remind you, that this matter is at a critical stage and that it is imperative you provide full disclosure and evidence of the information requested. Please therefore find enclosed, a final income and expenditure form for you to complete and return, within 7 days, together with documentary evidence to support the information provided. If you wish to discuss this matter and complete and (sp) income and expenditure form over the telephone, please contact our office ........... Failing the above, our instructions are to proceed with an order for sale application. Yours faithfully" Should I just repeat my offer yet again? Thanks
  12. Thank you very much, both of you - I think I will stick with Plan A and let them know that the amount I offered is all I can afford, and stick to it!
  13. I do understand what you are saying sequenci, and thank you for your comments - now I don't know what to do
  14. Hi eggboxy1 - thanks, yet again. I know you mentioned earlier about not having to give my I&E unless a judge requested it - should I point this out to them and also, should I point out that it is joint mortgage, with not much equity to be had, and this debt is in my name only? Or should I just keep it simple? I was brought up in the era when, if you saw a policeman, you felt guilty, even when you knew you weren't and this is taking me right back to those feelings lol.
  15. Absolutely - it gets very cold and damp over here so ALOT of heating is required during winter. Electricity is horrendously expensive all year round.
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