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  1. Thank you, ever so much. That is really reassuring as I have in fact been very upset. I apologise for being curt. I did not appreciate at first how you are trying to help. Many thanks. E
  2. Dear HB great, thank you . I have been advised by FCC a letter is on its way so I should be able to give more information at that stage. Thank you for your time on a Sunday night. Kind regards, E
  3. Dear Rebel11 thank you. this is useful information and objective. I see what you mean. Ultimately what I am trying to avoid is a criminal record which the lad indicated may well happen. I was in total shock. this has taken up more of my time than I can afford and I need it out of the way. I would really appreciate any further guidance you can give me or should I perhaps wait till i get the letter FCC have advised they will be sending me? What would you suggest. Kind regards,
  4. Dear HB, what I think I would have thought was ok to discuss on a forum? Please forgive me but I do not of these bylaws and laws. I understand of course that one pays for a ticket to take public transport which I have always done. What I am trying to ask, is what can I do to end this saga at this stage. I have not actually received any advice yet. Yes it ought to be a free country. Kind regards
  5. Hi Honey Bee I understood this as being a site which members of the public use to communicate with each other and offer support of similar situations. My mistake and that is good to hear that I am speaking to people with professional experience. It has up to press, appeared a little like a telling off so do excuse me if I have seemed a little curt with my last email. In the grand scheme of things, I am not a criminal, do not try to get anything for free. First class was close to empty, standard was full and people were mulling around and I was in the gangway thinking - 'where to haul myself off to out of the way and feeling uncomfortable'. I had been very keen for the train to arrive at the platform (there was no overhead cover or closed off area and I was deluged with thunderbugs (in fact if they were anal enough to look at CCTV on the train it would be evident re the bugs / removal ect - I probably stood out). I do not believe they could claim that I was taking a place of a first class passenger as there were numerous spaces. I stood at first and sat because I had my hand down my chest and that was probably a bit much. I was there a few minutes, got up and moved myself. Not because anyone told me. How can that be proved, I do not know. I was accosted in standard after I had been there a good amount of time. According to the transport police, though i know they can not offer advice but they were very confused about what the revenue lads issue was because their understanding is that if someone is in standard when approached then there is nothing to prosecute for. i think this is a desperate money making scheme. It is madness, you must admit. thanks.
  6. That is quite funny. I agree it does seem ridiculous to explain to this length, and something I could well do without. But ridiculous situations brought upon one require clear explaining to those rather sad jobsworths in such roles of power. I kind of thought the idea of such a site as this was to be a support, yet I am being questioned as though in court. Thats all the explaining I will be doing. Please only respond with support for how to end this childish policy ruining any more of my time. thanks,
  7. Goodness, well,I shall explain: this was in my letter but it was too long to add onto here. i had with me a large trolley case and a large bag with my work things and overnight stay (also for work), I was in the gangway when everyone first got on the train so decided to pull myself out of the way which the closest space was, as it turns out first class (though no different looking to standard). I would not have fitted down the isle to get to the loo let alone in it with my gear. I only sat as i was pulling bugs from my chest area and the lad who turned out to be in revenue inspector was staring at me and i thought that this was not appropriate so i sat down to remove myself from view. im starting to think that this is not a supportive forum. by the way the lad watched me removing bugs from my skin for the entire 3 or 4 minutes. call it original but we do have thunderbugs in England and they do stick to sweaty skin which mine was after 20 minutes waiting on a platform on one of the hottest days we have had. wow how cynical you are. I am curious.. do you work as an inspector?
  8. Hi Old Cod I moved myself after removing all the bugs from my skin. Sorry what is OP please? It would seem quite contrived. I take it you work or have worked for the rail services at some stage? It is a massive concern that people's (especially customer's) time and energy is wasted on such petty things. Funny old world. Kind regards,
  9. Dear Stevo and anyone else who can advise me, I can not tell you how relieved I felt to read your threads and see I am not alone. I have suffered a very similar experience to you on 28th July a couple of weeks ago. I was sitting in first class for 3 or 4 minutes (only as there was no space in standard and I was covered in thunderbugs which I needed to sit down with a mirror and get them off of me). I then corrected myself and moved to standard without any prompt. I had been moved to standard for a good while when a plain clothed young man plonked himself next to me demanding i pay for a first class ticket as i tried to show him my standard. of course i said no, and was also asking who he was if i could see his turned around badge. he then said, 'give me your details'. I said 'no i still do not know who you are'. he then picked up a blackberry and as he put it to his ear told me ' you can deal with the police'. i was stunned. i mean really stunned. at finsbury park a transport officer removed me from the train in the most humiliating way. i nearly fell over and people were pushed out of the way. they have told me that i will receive a letter, i had a phone call from FCC following my letter of complaint and that was to tell me that the witness on the train all worked for FCC and have given a statement and evidence against me. It feel rather biased to me. I have no idea if this will end up in court, if i will receive a criminal record and i am so upset. I would really appreciate it if you could give me any advice from your horrid ordeal, I see that your outcome eventually was following a letter from your doctor. You are clearly a regular train user and what a horrendous way to be treated. customer service at its worst. I do hope to hear from you soon. thank you for your threads. Em
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