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  1. All has been done, credit agencies checked and the company that is chasing me was informed to produce the required documentation to substantiate that i owe the money. They have not provided any info and I want this removed from my file so I need a seriously strong letter to send to them quoting all the law and credit act, hence me asking if anyone knows of a good template.
  2. Allegedly its M&S, the agency is Lowell and the account was closed for almost a year with a 0 Balance before they even bothered to contact me. The card was cut up and that was it, last statement did show that it was clear but who keeps statements on closed accounts as it was so long ago.
  3. I need some serious help please. Have a collection agency chasing me for payment and so far they and the creditor have not been able to provide concrete proof of the debt. i keep telling them that without this they can't pursue this and need to stop and remove the offending record from my credit file. All I'm getting is the usual run around from the agency and as it has been well over a year and still no proof I think they are barking up a wrong tree. Experian can't do anything without their say so. is there a sort of a letter threatening them with all sorts of things under the Consumer Credit act or something else to get them to finally remove this and stop chasing me. Many thanks.
  4. I wish I had a benefactor like that. Unfortunately I'll have to keep paying, better to have a Satisfied one than UnSatisfied. Had a quick look and this is what writing to the court involves, so better keep quiet I suppose as I don't want them to change their mind. _____________________________________________________________________ Getting a certificate of satisfaction If you pay a CCJ more than a month after the judgement date, it stays on the register for six years. There is no way to remove it. If you’ve paid the CCJ in full, however, you can apply to have it shown as satisfied by proving it to the court and by getting a certificate of satisfaction. This will show anyone searching the register that you have paid, and when you did so. Step by step Here’s what to do to get a judgment marked as satisfied. You will have to do this yourself if the person who got the CCJ against you didn’t tell the court when you paid. Contact the court Contact the court that last heard your case. You’ll need to fill out a form. You also need the claim number of the CCJ. Get confirmation You’ll need proof that you’ve paid in full (so get a receipt). If you can’t get this proof, the court will write to the person who won the CCJ. Pay the fee There is a fee of £15 – the court will give you more details of this. The court will then write to you to confirm the CCJ is marked as satisfied. This only happens if you pay in full. Part repayment of CCJs is not recorded.
  5. Paul_H

    Libor Rate

    Can anyone help, how can I find out the libor Rate for each quarter of the past 12 months, including the next/current one. My mortgage is linked to this instead of the Base Rate and I want to see if the Bank is playing kosher
  6. It is shown in the Public Record section, just had a double check and it shows 'Satisfied'
  7. No, none at all, just don't have that amount of cash lying around:wink:
  8. No I didn't, just been paying the instalments that the Court ordered
  9. I have a CCJ against me, the credit report shows Satisfied although I still owe them some money. What would happen if I contact the court and inform them of this, will they send a satisfied cert and that would be it or do i still have to pay up till its all settled.
  10. I'm having serious problems with PayPlan, they screwed up at the beginning and placed me on a DMP instead of IVA as we wanted. I am looking at taking legal action against them. As far as i am concerned they couldn't organise a **** up in a brewery. If I were you I'd get things checked by a third party just to be safe, and good luck.
  11. I have a number of small pension pots Prudential (Personal) Friends Provident (Personal) Standard Life (Ex Company) I would like to combine them all to save on charges and to maximise the growth. I contacted a advisor who explained the charges and got me to sign the forms to get the facts from each firm. Then sweet FA happened, one email and no reply, second email was answered with an apology but no calls and they just haven't bothered to contact me. I'm thinking of doing the combining myself but what do I need to do, contact the companies for transfer values and what else. Any help would be most welcome.
  12. wrote to Experian, waiting for outcome
  13. Wrote to Experian and complained, waiting for outcome.
  14. Thanks, already have done that and no luck, they seem to be a bit of a pain. We know best and we won;t do anything about it attitude. I;ve got my credit file and am planing to write to Experian with the problems on it and see what they can do, usually a letter from them manages a favourable response.
  15. I had a loan with RBS and then it was passed on to Lloyds when they merged. RBS issued a Default and so did Lloyds, my question is . as they are part of the same group can they issue the same thing twice.
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