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Everything posted by bezzy0_0

  1. Thanks silverfox It sure is a good feeling ,I'm savouring the victory standoff with them
  2. Well Finally got a result. Me 1 lowell 0 Received a reply from lowells from a 2nd cca request which i knew they would not be able to fulfil given time scale involved , took good advise on here and waited 3 extra months and the letter received from them states they cannot fulfill my request, and they state it is indeed statue barred and the account is now closed and now 0.00 balance. Thankyou guys appreciated, just one more dca to deal with and finally rid of these parasites.
  3. Ok , will leave beyond three mths and not reply unless provoked, thankyou for explanation, appreciated
  4. Thanks Bazooka Boo, will keep away unless provoked
  5. Thanks andy ,got that, just for interest, whats extra 3 mths of caution for ?
  6. Silverfox,Letter done but awaiting any responnse from them 1st?i think?
  7. Well time up for this mint debt, statue barred tommorow , been 6 years since last payment made to original ( halifax-rbs)) 03/03/2011 so 6 yrs old , i had asked for another cca which they ran out of the 12 days to comply with , stated will be with me within 40 days time , april 2017 at the latest? Just pondering whether wise to send stat barred letter tommorow by recored delivery or wait untill cca arrive in months time then send ,?
  8. Well time up for this lowlife debt, statue barred tommorow ,been 6 years since last payment made to original ( cap one) 03/03/2011 so 6 yrs old , i had asked for another cca which they ran out of the 12 days to comply with , stated will be with me within 40 days time begin april latest? Just pondering wether wise to send stat barred letter tommorow by recored delivery or wait untill cca arrive in months time then send ,?
  9. Thankyou for your comment , it's true I had not been on the site for a while and was involved avidly earlier within the forums, genuinely could not locate my earlier old posts even looking on my profile, had a lot of health and major issues since then which I won't go through on here, but I can assure you I AM NOT WASTING PEOPLES TIME, far from it I respect this site and all that take time to help on the forums
  10. Just quick one, is the p/order payee left blank and its a crossed postal order sent?
  11. Andyorch , thanks ,all printed up and ready to post, will put the brakes on them for a bit untill later clarifcation.
  12. r Brassnecked Would it be wise has a precaution measure to send off CCA again anyway?
  13. thanks for speedy reply, was thinking along the same lines has yourself, but when you say if they actually make a claim( do you refer to a CCJ) They did craftly add £1 for april payment but i know thats the cca request payment for mint and cap one, i have other debt £1 going out on bank statement same time so i feel i could prove that wasnt a payment to the accounts
  14. Well back after little break off here, Lowell's have decided that its time to up to next stage the ping pong letters i have been recieving from them for cap one and cabot financial the same , although not has much , the address on rear of envelope from cabot and lowells are the same? These debts have always been disputed by me , but were sold on regardless theres been a steady flow of letters to lowells and myself , usually letters from them mostly discount offers, these debts went off my credit files last year, the last payments made to both cap one and mint was march 2011, am i right in thinking the increase of activity from them both is that its close to statue barred? (5 weeks away) cant seem to understand how to put up the lowells next sep assessment letter up for you to view from my ipad? What i really want to ask for has what i do next course action or options? Sit tight do nothing, send off prove it again or cca again ? What would their next move be , their letter suggest WE MAY consider involving an external collections partner who deals with unpaid accounts like yours? Or will they try a ccj maybe? I will try and figure out to upload pics from my ipad on to this thread , but not having more joy sorry.
  15. is the 2nd hampton letter sent above worth a response, as i made it very clear to lowells about the debt that cap one the originator had sent me a reply letter and in writing stated they dont have my original under 2008 cuptr regs , i wrote to lowells stating this and also that i was reclaiming back my charges from that card which would write of all exisiting debt anyway , havnt got around to that part been busy , but the idiots keep pursuing , i only respond to serious lettere s when i see them .any advise for me ?
  16. yet another 2 letters from next desk along me thinks, this once again has provoked me to report to oft , one report filed for each off , lowells , reds and now hamptons , this has got to look less favourable when renewing there licence time comes around, there so crafty using different trading styles so they can continue with there feeble abuse , think i will drop hamptons a letter to pass on to the others that there tactics wont be going unoticed by others
  17. I have received email reply back from oft stating the below We have therefore recorded the details of your complaint, and we will consider this alongside any other complaints we have received with a view to any consumer credit licensing or other action we may decide to take. If we do take any action against this trader we may need to contact you again in the future. Unfortunately, we cannot disclose any details about any action we may take, due to legal restrictions on the OFT relating to disclosure of information. I suppose that's another a nail in there coffin so to speak along with all the other complaints , every little helps, Lol.
  18. thanks for all your input everyone, i will write to oft has soon has.:-)will post reply has soon has i receive it.
  19. brig/cit,should i report them to oft and at the same time also ask oft in how they view this type of deception?
  20. recieved this today , is this a standard letter?am i correct in thinking that reds are the next tablle down to lowells , same entity?
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