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  1. Good luck... let us know how you get on... you should not be forced into paying more than you can afford and whatever you do GET RECIEPTS!!! Are you in control of the method of payment?
  2. The above post will not change peoples responsibilites to the company as individual accounts still need to be paid back. I'm simply suggesting people have the method of repayment and the payments themselves within their control. How did you make your payment of £100.00 ksmiggy? and how did you reduce your loan? What payment was they expecting from you before you paid the £100.00 and are they now demanding more? Do they help themselves or do you have an alternative method of repayment? Needless to say it is essentail that you keep all reciepts as proof of payments.
  3. Please remember also that 'Cash Genie' may be trading under a different name which does hold a liscence... so it is still worth trying to negotiate repayments with them. However, I would ask them for their details of bank account/sort code etc, in order that you pay monies into their account and keep all your reciepts of repayments. At leaset if you pay into their account you will have some control of the money going out of yours!!! I have read so many horror stories on here about people being left with little or no money to live on for the month and I am stunned. This post is about being assertive, standing up for your rights and taking control of the situation again. The O.F.T. says that companys like these should be prepared to accept a reasonable offer of a repayment plan from consumers in difficulties and that they also need to give you a reason if they don't accept your offer. Also, for all those of you who have monies taken straight from your account by these people I would advise you to request that you are able to change your method of re-payment to them and ask for their account details to pay directly into their account. Remember you are not avoiding payment to these people, just being in control of what re-payments you can afford. If they refuse to change your method of payment then I would cancel my card and send them an email explaining why (Monies taken not agreed in repayment plan etc) and once again ask for their details so you can pay into their account. If you show willingness to pay through a method you can control I'd find it hard to believe you could be prosecuted in court. Also, please look at various legislation that may apply to you as individuals... look at O.F.T. guidance as they have an excellent website where they stipulate best practice for company's like these. Anything falling short of these guidelines and they would be answerable to various bodys within the industry. There is also plenty of excellent advice on your rights and responsibilities as a consumer and by getting to know these rights for yourself you will be in a stronger position to deal with these people. Really hope this post is helpful. Once again... Best Regards to all...
  4. Hi guys... Go to the Office of Fair Trading website and check out the Validity of their Liscence to Operate... Just type in 'Cash Genie' (Trading Name) under the Trading Name and press Search... I think you will find the liscence has been terminated under their Business Company Name according to the O.F.T. website... I believe responsibilities for loans will still exist with you guys though I would seek further guidence from Official Bodies as to what to do before handing over any more hard earned cash if I was you!!! The Office of Fair Trading, Trading Standards and Consumer Advice are always very good to call for suggestions.... Best Regards....
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