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  1. That's good to know, thanks Kitten 1. So glad I joined this forum you are all so helpful, thank you.
  2. Oh Darren I feel so much better now, not because you have more than me cos I have other debts too but because other people who understand what I am going through. Have you managed to get them under control. I've changed my bank details and am hopefully going to set up monthly payment plans where they will freeze the interest.
  3. Hi Sarah Lloyd, When you say don't give them your card details, how can you pay? Is it best to set up a standing order with them. I too am in a pickle with 5 pay day loans and feel quite ashamed of myself.
  4. Oh j1mbob thanks so much for this information. I too am in the same situation as you "troubled on pay day" I've got 5 pay day loans and paying so much interest it is ridiculous and am ashamed of myself for getting into such a pickle when I actually earn quite decent money. I told the bank my card had been used fraudulently and wanted a new one and they put a stop on my debit card straight away. One lending company Wage Day Advance were taking multiple amounts and unauthorised amounts on my pay day so I cancelled my card and am now going to approach each one and set up a realistic montly payment. I am so glad I found this forum. Good luck! Cheeky Choca
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