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Everything posted by Pink_Panther

  1. I've just experienced the exact same thing. This bank really is unbelievable. I swapped from Barclays and have not only found their online banking extremely poor and basic, but it's true that debits don't show up for 4 or 5 days after making them. Their online banking looks about as old as the man on the front page of their website, which probably sums up the type of clientele they really want. Whatever anyone says, this can make it difficult to know whats in there and with the best will in the world, I don't have the time nor the inclination to write down every transaction - the idea of online banking is to help you manage it better! Anyway I fell foul of the same trap, a month ago I made a debit on my account with my card, then transferred some funds to my Barclays account not realising the debit hadn't come out leaving me overdrawn. Anyway I cleared that up straight away, then a couple of days ago tried transferring some money and as they've now moved to Faster Payments it declined it straight away, so I tried a lower amount, declined again. It really would help if they would update their systems faster! It's also pretty unnecessary to feel the need to write to you to tell you they couldn't make the transfer, of course they couldn't, they told you that online when you tried to do it - maybe stop sending thousands of letters out and you'd save a bit of money! So today I get the letter, they no longer with to retain my banking business and are closing the account. Very snobby letter, written no doubt by someone enjoying a cucumber sandwich. Seems very harsh over 1 overdrawn incident which was cleared back straight away and 2 failed transfers, which didn't leave me overdrawn so don't really see what the problem is as they declined. Well, whatever, I've still got my Barclays account so I'll just switch back to that.Shame because the Coop have one nice thing about them which is their customer service, I always found that excellent on the phone. Shame that the fact they are terribly slow doing anything online and you've more chance of finding rocking horse poo than a Coop branch.
  2. Bad news with CFO I'm afraid - you will get absolutely nowhere with them. That 750 you owe will be over 1500 before the end of the month. They are notorious for not setting up repayment plans and will refuse any attempt to resolve the situation. Just check out a few of the threads on here about them. Also, never ever give them card details or fall for their trap where they direct you to a website to setup a repayment plan, the second they have your card details they'll wipe your account clean. CFO have uncanny ways of getting money out of peoples accounts! Txtloan will send some threatening texts and emails, try contacting them, seems some people have some success setting up a plan, if they wont, it will be assigned to Fredricksons DCA - you can setup a payment arrangement online with these Don't know about LS though Make sure you've reported your card stolen, or even better get your salary directed to a completely new bank account One thing to bear in mind, they are all only entitled to the original loan plus one months interest Good luck
  3. Hi I dont have any CIFAS warnings nor am I bankrupt (or ever have been) I phoned them today for an update but still no decision made. 5 working days by all account. A lot of effort just for a basic bank account!
  4. *sigh*I tried opening a Cashminder account this morning, my application was referred to the underwriters and I'll here within a week as to whether it's successful I was kind of under the impression a basic bank account doesn't have a full credit check, seeing as I'm not actually applying for credit, but there you go, I guess it does. You know things are bad when this happens, real bad
  5. In short, yes they can have an effect on your credit rating, dependent on whether they companies report the payments. Payday UK, Mr Lender and Safe Loans all report to the credit agencies, as they show on my report. Also, be aware, they may not show up now but the payments can show up at any time! For example, Safe Loans never showed on my credit report until I defaulted and entered a payment plan, now it is on there!
  6. I wouldn't worry about it too much, how do you know that the debt is still classed as active with QQ - have they been chasing you or have you tried to log in to your account to try and get a new loan? 2 very different scenarios, if they are chasing you for the debt then it's a different ball game, you'll need to try and get some kind of confirmation from Mack Hall - maybe a statement of your payments - to prove you've cleared it. If they're not chasing you for the money, I'd forget about it. Just keep an eye on your credit report to make sure it doesn't show up on there. I had the same situation, paid off through a company called JB debt recovery for Quick Quid and when I log into my QQ account it still says I'm in arrears, but I haven't heard anything for over a year and I know it's paid off, maybe they just leave that message on there to stop you re applying
  7. It's disgusting - but what's more concerning is that these people are being given Consumer Credit Licenses This is why I think a lot of complaints made against these companies fall on deaf ears, the government bodies are giving them licenses to trade like this - it's a joke So whats the deal with these 7 day loans, a normal PDL company is only legally entitled to the capital plus one months interest, so would these only be entitled to the capital plus 7 days interest as it's a 7 day contract??
  8. If you borrowed £160 then you only owe them £200 (£160 plus interest of £40), you don't keep adding the interest on every month to the total amount! Your debt is a TOTAL of the ORIGINAL AMOUNT THEY LENT YOU plus ONE MONTHS INTEREST ONLY!!!!!!! For the love of god, please don't be offering them more!! Good luck getting it sorted! Looks like you had some excellent advice already on here
  9. Well here it is - if it gets removed just let me know and I'll DM it to you, but it's public information so no reason why it should? Tel: 0871 2883753* Fax: 0871 2883751 I dealt with a guy called Keith there who works in Credit Control, he was very reasonable. Although his email was the same as all the others use - the info@ address Good Luck!
  10. £62.50 admin fee on a £100 loan??? Christ that must be a record for a payday loan company!! Txtloan I have defaulted with before, after the initial £25 fee you get about another 15 days before the next £25 charge goes on, but they charge you daily interest of 1% I think. After a certain period they pass the debt onto Fredrickson International. They will badger you forever, but you'll be able to setup a payment plan with them, although unsure if they'll drop all the charges - typically a £100 loan is about £260 by the time it gets to them!
  11. Hi Source Just to let you know I defaulted on a loan with AFM and contacted them to let them know, to be fair to them they were actually really good about it and set up a repayment plan straight away with no hassle at all I'd suggest calling them and explaining your situation, they may be reasonable and refund you some of what they took - which to be fair they shouldn't have done but it seems common practice in this industry. Do you need their phone number? I might have it somewhere if you do
  12. Well it's not always the case that you have to get a new bank account - sure it's probably the safest, but not always necessary. I've got 2 barclays current accounts, the one where all the loans came out of and another. I just reported the card stolen from my main account where the loans were linked to and had my salary paid into the other account, and nothing came out of my main account, didn't get any 'Fraud Department' calls from multiple attempts etc - in fact, no problems at all - and I've got a loan outstanding with CFO and if anyones going to get money out of your account it's them! That said, maybe I have been lucky...
  13. It's hard to say, it may have something to do with the fact they are entitled to the principal sum plus one months interest and all you're offering is the principal??What may seem generous to you, isn't seen in the same way by the people you owe don't forget. Think, if someone owed you £100 and they offered you £60 instead, would you take it??I would think that for amounts like that which are relatively small, the DCA's bought the debts without much room for profit in them, which may be why they're unwilling to play ball
  14. I could only advise on WDA as I haven't dealt with the others (well I have, but a long time ago)I found the best thing to do was actually tell them before the default to avoid charges etc. WDA will accept a payment plan, but they'll ask you to complete at I&E and send a bank statement - for the record, they have no rights to see your bank statement so if you feel uncomfortable don't send it. Also, if you've had the loans a while, make a point that you've always paid on time and have already paid a lot of money in interest - they might be more reasonable with you.I would also advise you report your debit card as stolen - In my experience this is a lot more effective and no transactions seem to get through on it (Barclays anyway) - I've reported a card lost before and still had payments come from my accountMost important thing is not to stress about it - you're in control now, not them. As long as you make reasonable payment offers then you should be fine. QQ might be the most difficult but stick to your guns. I have done the same thing as you, but with 11 companies - trust me, once the plans are agreed it's really not that stressful and some companies are no hassle at all, dont let them intimidate you. Most people will also tell you to get your wages redirected to a new account with a different bank, sensible advice as these organisations have ways and means of getting their hands on your money!Remeber, don't stress out, be reasonable with them and everything will work out.
  15. There are a thousand threads on here exactly the same - take a look at them when you get the time A good start would be telling us who they are with/amounts etc, as every company operates differently you'll get much better advice that way Most important thing is don't panic or worry!
  16. The BCCA are one of their governing bodies - when I complained, the Chief Exec Rachael Corcoran contacted me - her email is rachael@bcca.co.uk - check out their website too. The phone number is 01244 505903. Please note this was about a year ago though so I am unsure if she's still there. Another contact there is Ryan Derrick - Operations Manager, again unsure if he's still there. I have tried emailing him myself recently and Daniel Bishop replied.
  17. Just received a lovely SMS from TxtLoan, which went something like this: "Your loan is now seriously overdue and YOU need to have XXX in your account tomorrow! We will debit your card for the full amount at 8pm." I particularly enjoyed their use of the capital letters, just in case I missed the word YOU, and their use of the exclamation mark, like they are smiling whilst writing it. I'm also sure they shouldn't be chasing a debt after 9pm, maybe I'll text them back...
  18. Thanks guys, no doubt I wont get a response but lets see! I will email him tonight
  19. Hi All Does anybody, by chance, have the email address for James Keeble who is the CEO of Capital Finance One?? (I've tried james . keeble at capitalfinanceone . com, less the spaces etc) If not him, any other senior manager? Thanks!
  20. Does that work taking a letter into your bank then?? Never heard of this before! Are there any templates on here, or any tips on what to write? Sounds like a good idea actually
  21. Ok but if the debt isn't showing on any of my credit reports, can it be reported as a default still and then show up? I've had the loan for over 1 year and never missed a payment, but there's nothing on the reports in relation to this debt so therefore no previous payment history Surely they cannot just add a debt onto the account with a black D with no previous payment history on there? I am just thinking that these are scare tactics from them, but need to be sure
  22. Ok so this month I am defaulting on 7 loans. I have emailed each lender and tried to setup plans, so far this is how it's gone: Access Fast Money - superb, very helpful and arranged straight away Safe Loans - also very accommodating Speedy Cash - couple of emails but now sorted Still awaiting a response: 247 Moneybox Convers Money Tower Capital Capital Finance One (no shock here) My question is this, one of the lenders above who has accepted my payment plan has said that as the balance wouldn't be clear in 91 days a default would be registered against my credit file. Now I have a checkmyfile account and I can see all 3 of my credit reports and this debt is not shown on any of them, so can I still 'default' on it? I can see a Payday UK entry on there which is fine, but no others. Also, if I enter an agreed payment plan, can they register a default on me? Any advice greatly appreciated
  23. I just had exactly the same thing! I think they are just checking the cards are still valid, which mine is not any more. I've sent them emails telling them I am going to default this month and they ignore them. Probably waiting until payday when they can sting me with charges before contacting me Shysters
  24. Wow 9 defences!! Can I ask who they were with and how you got on?? You're brave taking on 9 of these in court!!
  25. So an update, I have decided that out of a total of 12(!) payday loans (I didn't list a few above as they are related to another bank account) I am going to default on 8 of them this month, I have left what I believe to be the most aggressive ones rolling over for the time being and settle them without defaulting. So I've sent emails to them all offering payment plans and being very genuine so let's see what happens - I will update with the responses from each one as and when I get them. The journey begins!!
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