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Everything posted by mak1968

  1. not according to comet, and problem with sec 75 is you have to fill in form from credit company, then they refund half the amount paid and pursue comet for the other half which we may or may never get apparently. comet insist its their right to have an engineer call (beko engineer) before anything else is done. wish Id just bought 2nd hand like ive always done the hassle is ridiculous and I just dont need it currently. why do companys feel the need to stitch people up these days? Im not lying, machine was installed in accordance with written instructions - simple. I have done nothing out of the ordinary with the machine and dont understand why I should feel like Im in the wrong! thanks for your help and guidance, it really is appreciated.
  2. thanks both for your advise. We rang consumer direct for clarification on what we should be requesting, twice we were told we didnt need to have an engineer out before we demanded a refund/replacement and on the 3rd occasion (having been in touch with comet in between times stating what cd were saying) we were told that we DID have to have an engineer call out - that being comets' rights. So were even more confused now and have left it that an engineer will come on monday after which we can ask for a refund/replacement. what a total farce, on all fronts.
  3. hi all, Im hoping someone can help me as Im just so fed up. Bought a beko washing machine online from comet on mon 9th july. was delivered on thurs 12th july, blew up today 17th july. Have been backwards and forwards to both comet and beko. they say an engineer has to come out to inspect before anything will be done and that if found to be incorrectly installed the charge will be down to me. I know the machine was installed and operated correctly and in accordance with the user manual. However as an engineer cant come out until mon 23rd I feel Im being left without a leg to stand on and have no reproach whatsoever. The machine was installed correctly, its quite plainly a duff machine, it went bang then smelled of burning mid cycle, so Ive also been left with a washload ive redone by hand and a drum full of water. machine wont turn on and has no lights anywhere. can somebody please advise me where I stand as I dont want a repair if its offered, and I wont be buying beko or from comet again. please help me. thank you.
  4. hi all, Im hoping someone can help me as Im just so fed up. Bought a beko washing machine online from comet on mon 9th july. was delivered on thurs 12th july, blew up today 17th july. Have been backwards and forwards to both comet and beko. they say an engineer has to come out to inspect before anything will be done and that if found to be incorrectly installed the charge will be down to me. I know the machine was installed and operated correctly and in accordance with the user manual. However as an engineer cant come out until mon 23rd I feel Im being left without a leg to stand on and have no reproach whatsoever. The machine was installed correctly, its quite plainly a duff machine, it went bang then smelled of burning mid cycle, so Ive also been left with a washload ive redone by hand and a drum full of water. machine wont turn on and has no lights anywhere. can somebody please advise me where I stand as I dont want a repair if its offered, and I wont be buying beko or from comet again. please help me. thank you.
  5. thank you once again mrshed. I shall get cracking, shame money is such a spoiler, but its the principle I guess.
  6. thanks for the advise people, mrshed, no we didnt sign an inventory before we moved in, there was nothing in the house tbh. I guess I have to go to our local court? to get papers? Im not really sure where to start actually, and I probably wouldnt even bother if it wasnt for the fact that my mum lent us the deposit money in the first place, and I obviously want to pay her back, even though she says to forget it. If someone could very kindly tell me where I need to go to get the ball rolling I really would be grateful. thanks again.
  7. hi debtbutt, we had to move out, so are already living elsewhere. its magic how hes done the house up on our cash! painted outside, repaired garage etc.......
  8. Hello all, Im really hoping someone maybe able to help with this. We were privately renting a property because it was next door to my parents. We took up residency in 2005 signed agreements and paid £850 deposit. Landlord had never rented out before and used standard rental agreement print-offs from internet. The place was old and needed work when we moved in, we accepted this and did general decorating ourselves. however conservatory leaked like a sieve, had a dangerous old boiler in place which was subsequently replaced with a refurbed equally old one. the garage roof also leaked badly and was never repaired. radiators were broken and unfixable due to age and plate glass was in situ, rather than safety glass. Landlord claimed poverty so we muddled through. We signed just 3 lease renewals for the whole period even though they were only 6 month leases. In march this year LL served us notice to leave as he could no longer afford to keep the property and needed to sell, we arranged to move in 2 mths (at his request) and not the standard 3 mths notice we should have had and he kept the FULL deposit stating repairs were needed. (We had replaced carpet 2 mths before we were given notice, and had decorated as required so apart from the repairs he already knew needed doing when we moved in there was nothing else needing doing.) He kept the deposit to resell the house and has refused any kind of return of deposit to us. Is there anything we can do? We are responsible adults (im a 3rd yr student nurse) my husband is a truck driver and we have 2 teen chidren both in further education so would never have taken advantage or left the house in a poor state. Im so hurt and maddened by his actions but know he wont have secured the deposit as it was pre 2007. Is there anything at all we can do, or should I just put it down to experience? thank you.
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