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  1. after being refused with vanquish i got a call from "cash-loans-online"saying they are goverment run and i can have upto 8 grand today if i pay first month payment now they will put loan in m y bank within 3 hrs. is this ok or [problem].said i could use a paypoint to pay.
  2. yeah first thing checked, had a bloke come to replace the timer on our beko fridge today and he said "the green gun was at fault"
  3. i bought a tv from asda in jan 08 its now developed a fault where the screen is really green. i still have receipt i phoned asda and they said its over the 1 yr warranty. surely a tv should be expected to work for more than 3 yrs. is there any point in me pursuing this with asda.
  4. thanks for the links gonna go to the law centre in town see if they can help me word my application properly
  5. ive been refused a budgeting loan[see last post] basically im homeless was living in tent which was stolen with EVERYTHING in would it be worth applying for crisis loan.
  6. thanks for quick reply. cant hurt to appeal.
  7. i was told after failing my appeal the tribunal would take 14 weeks to sit for exactly the same situation.
  8. i applied for a budgeting loan and was refused for not receiving ib jsa for 26 weeks. ive been on ib jsa for 2 yrs but between dec'2010 and june 2011 i was sanctioned for 26 wks. i still signed every fortnight for jsa but received hardship payments. as i was still signing my declaration and having job centre interviews and such do you think i could appeal this decision.
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