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brewbabe last won the day on August 1 2011

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21 Excellent
  1. I may be wrong but I think if you tell the bailiffs the matter is in dispute then they have to hold fire. The council should be able to provide copies of all communication from you. It will probably take a week or more to get copies of statements. I appreciate this is probably causing you a massive amount of distress but try and remain calm. I suspect a more experienced cagger will be along shortly who can reassure you more.
  2. Any advice gratefully received. In a nutshell I had my daughter's ears pierced at Claires 2.5 years ago. After 6 months I changed the gold earrings to silver fashion ones, also purchased there. They made her ears sore and I couldn't get the gold ones back in, too sore, so I took them out to heal. I always intended letting her have them pierced again after they had healed. A while, a few weeks, later we returned to store and saw the girl who originally pierced daughters ears and were told she couldn't have them pierced as she had lumps in her ear caused by shampoo or soap ****. We were told to rub the lumps to make them go. When the lumps had gone she could have them pierced. We returned to the store 3/4 time more over the last 2 years and were told the same advice by the same girl. My daughter kept rubbing them trying to get rid of the lumps until one afternoon her ear became infected. Trip to the doctors and she was diagnosed with an infection and put on anti biotic medicine. Explained to doctors why my daughter was rubbing her ears. Was told rubbing caused the infection, the lumps were scar tissue and would never go away and she could of had her ears re-pierced years ago. Also that she had never heard such a load of rubbish. Contacted Claire's and after 4 or 5 weeks of me continuously chasing them they have offered half price ear piercing, then free ear piercing, then £30 vouchers then £40 vouchers all of which I have declined. I have told them that £40 of gift vouchers does not come near to making amends for dangerous after care advice that left my daughter injured and in pain, needing medical attention and taking drugs. Also she has spent hours rubbing these lumps and gone without her ears pierced which has at times caused her to be thoroughly upset. I put my complaint in writing 6 days ago, previously it was all by telephone, and they have not even bothered to contact me. They have received my letter as I have phoned them. I have e-mailed again today complaining about their appalling lack of CS and given them 7 days to come back to me. During conversations with Claire's they have apologised, said they have retrained their staff sent the area manager in to deal with it and the girl has left their employment for reasons I do not know why. I have maintained from the onset the piercing was never the problem the on going after care advice is the issue. I am interested to hear people's thoughts on this and how to proceed. Thank you all.
  3. Great news fellow CAGS ......... Lee has completely sorted this out for us. We have had the default removed from my husband's credit file. I can't express how happy we are. Lee has restored my faith in Vodafone customer services and true to his word he has done his best for us. If anybody has a problem with Vodafone Lee is your man and he will definitely try to help you. Thank you so much Lee you have made my year. God Bless. Vodafone are lucky to have you on their team.
  4. Hi Lee, He did come back to you earlier today I am not sure what the issue is, but our apologies in case it is our fault. He has resent again this evening and hopefully it has got through this time. I'll check back tomorrow in case.
  5. Thanks Yam950. That's awful what is happening to you, I would be sick with worry. I hope you can get a resolve asap. From what I can gather if anyone can sort this out for me then Lee will do his best - he appears to have helped several others in similar situations. From what I have read on here it sounds as though many providers can be poor at CS and we are at their mercy. Customers do slip through the net of large companies and in my experience the larger the organisation the wider the seams in the net are but that's no excuse. Good luck:oops:
  6. Thank you Lee. I've read several posts and seen that you have been extremely helpful to others so I can't wait to hear back from you.
  7. Hello to all posters I am new on cag and in need of your advice. I feel incredibly lucky to have found this site as my husband and I are in complete despair of the appalling CS and treatment by Vodafone and are on the verge of engaging a solicitor which we can't afford. It all started a few years ago...... my husband's ltd company had several handsets on a business contract for quite some time and he needed to get a dongle. He went to our nearest shop to add one on to his existing business package but he did not have any form of company ID on him at the time, just his business credit card and business bank details. No problem said the sales assistant put it in your name and then ring up and transfer it over on Monday morning. Which he did, he gave them the billing address, bank details and sort code. For over 2 years Vodafone took the monthly payments from his company, all of the paperwork was in the company name and the paper bills were sent to the business over 70 miles way from our home. Then before the end of the contract, I think about 11 months were left, sadly his business went into administration after taking 2 bad debts about a year in to the recession. Around 4 weeks later Vodafone started to write to my husband at our home address demanding the remainder of the money from the contract about £200. We rang and pointed out what had happened and that it was not our debt but the companies and they wouldn't accept it at first they said we couldn't have transferred the contract like that it was impossible, 3 dept's later and on the phone for over an hour we argued with them. How did you get the business address, billing and bank details to charge the monthly premium to if you claim we never rang up, why have you not been sending the paperwork to us and collecting it from our personal bank account. I demanded copies of the phone recordings. Finally we got somebody who 'seemed' to know what they were doing who agreed there had been an error and it would get sorted out, they would write to us to confirm. A few weeks later nothing. More debt letters from them. Rang again explained again passed around on the phone again explaining the story over and over. Again an error on there part they would sort it out and write to us. A week later nothing, more letters coming. That's right I had to ring again, explain again passed around different depts, told don't worry about the letters it's in hand the debt has been cancelled we will write to you and confirm. This went on for weeks. The letters then stopped and it appeared to be over. We never did receive a confirmation letter but I wasn't prepared to ring them again for all the tea in China. This was just over 1 year ago. Then 7 weeks ago we applied for a remortgage, you guessed it turned down bad debt in my husbands name, on Experion file, from Vodafone. The debt is not showing as outstanding on his file just that 3 monthly payments were missed and it was now resolved. We rang Vodafone, explained the story again was passed around all the different depts, then we got a fax number and a snail mail address for the dept that deals with this kind of issue. We faxed a letter that day. After 2 weeks we still hadn't had a reply, that dept must be awfully busy. We rang again, explained were passed around there is no other way to contact that dept but they do take 6 weeks to come back to you we were told. We were assured they would definitely come back to us, still nothing! Is legal my only option. We could have saved hundreds a month on our mortgage with the lower interest rates had it not been for there incompetence. Any advice gratefully received.
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