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Everything posted by bev7896

  1. Massive issues from Scottish Power I wonder if someone could advise next steps. Tennant moved out I changed the electric into my name I was out the country at the time so I hadn't been to the flat. During sign up process they tried to hijack my gas supply as well which I made it clear I didn't want duel fuel from them but they still went ahead with it. Phoned them up again. a few days later telling them to make sure they stopped it but they said too late ? had to get my current supplier to cancel it. Paid £50 online to ensure there was money covering standing charges etc eventually got to the flat no power. Phoned Scottish Power 40 minutes to get through they state I have a pay as you go meter and that they had set me up on a credit account so they need to send an engineer out which they will pass my details onto. Phone called from engineer asking questions , found out the flat is vacant so not an emergency I have to speak to Scottish Power again. Spoke with the original person from Scottish Power who admitted a mistake (I had told her it was vacant) and now states that it will take 4 weeks to get an appointment but if I want to raise a complaint they will contact me in 48 hours and it will be looked at quicker. Raised a complaint , complaints emailed me within 24 hours to say it will take 7 days till he speaks with me. All I want is power in the property would I be better switching over to EON who supply the gas surely they could sort it out quicker? One thing is for sure I will never bother with Scottish Power ever again.
  2. He's been with British gas all his his life and showed blinding loyalty to them for some unknown reason , its a shame British Gas can't do likewise.
  3. My father who is in his 70's has always been with British Gas and a few years back took out a boiler policy with them. I have just noticed they have billed him £275 for a years basic boiler policy with a service yet a lot of other company's charge less than £200 for the exact same policy. They have insisted he needs a new boiler on his last service which he's now worried about and they have applied their high pressure sales tactics and bamboozled him with all sorts of jargon and guarantees which quite frankly he doesn't understand but is too embarrassed to say no. Anyone else come across these problems with British Gas. Hopefully I can have this policy cancelled and get local tradesman in to change the boiler IF it needs done at all.
  4. In 1992 I took out an endowment policy with Scottish Provident which was sold via a broker paying around £50 a month. At the time all I wanted to do was save £50 a month and was persuaded by some financial person who used to come round the Army Barracks where I was based to take this savings plan out. I never even knew what an endowment policy was till a few years after. More than likely I was missold this policy is it too late to do anything about it, I cashed the policy in with Scottish Provident in 2002 and have no idea who the broker was unless I SAR Scottish Provident. Any ideas..
  5. Helena, I wrote to customer complaints with the address provided by the one helpful person I had spoke to at EON. Once I return to the UK I will go through all the letters they ahve sent and try and sort out their mess.
  6. They will keep sending you out reminders for a wee while afterwards just ignore them all totally unenforceable.
  7. 2 years ago my father moved into my sisters flat which was previously rented in which EON were the energy providers. He changed over to Scottish Gas as he had been with them umpteen years and was paying dual fuel by direct debit. Some months later he then started getting letters from EON demanding payment to them . A phone call to Scottish Gas revealed that EON had informed them that they were now the providers of services to his address. EON had cold called on my father trying to poach him from Scottish Gas but despite my father saying no no no they still switched him over. After a number of phone calls to EON one decent person told me he had played back the the phone recording and my father is quite clearly heard saying he doesnt want to switch over. I complained in writing upon his behalf about this disgraceful tretament but EON failed to reply to this funnily enough. Fast forward 18 months later he is now getting EON bills posted through the door demanding payment for before he moved in there when it was rented out with threats of court action and forced entry to inspect the meter if they can not gain access. The letters are addressed to the Occupier and not even the previous tenants name but the dates are for prior to when he moved in. Now despite even more phone calls to EON yet to clear this all up they keep coming. What is it with this provider and their terrible customer service, no wonder I will never use them no matter how cheap they could be.
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