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Everything posted by Harlevie

  1. Hello! I have a peugeot 206 1.4 lx, i only bought my car about a month ago, it was fine when i first got it, everything seemed fine! then not long back i went shopping, come back to my car and started it, was waiting in a que of traffic and my car revved slightly on its own, thats when i first thought something could be wrong but i was being told it could be the fan kicking in or something simple, anyway not long after i turned my car on and it would start revving up to 2000 and then the car would start juddering and id just switch it off, this is my second car and i only passed my test in february the only thing i know about cars is how to drive them and im a girl so i just panicked! i tried to explain to my dad what was happening but he didnt understand what i meant and typically it would NEVER happen when i turned it on infront of him even if it had just been playing up before i set off to go to his house! it went on for the while that alot of the time it would start normally and drive fine and then occasionally it would have that problem when i turned it on, it happened infront of one of my friends once who knows abit about cars and he seemed to think it wasnt anything serious and it wouldnt happen when i was driving, well just minutes after he told me it wouldnt happen when i was driving, i was on my way home and the car started revving WHILE DRIVING, causing the car to pull me along the road, so i just panicked and swiched the car off, and then it wouldnt start so im just stuck in the middle of a busy road! i think it was only the next day it started pulling me along again so i pulled over and turned my car off, then it wouldnt start again but this time it wouldnt even start after leaving it for 5 minutes, luckily i was right by my dads so he came down and forced it to start by pushing the accelerator while turning it on, it was revving and juddering and my partner said every time it juddered it puffed black smoke out :/ my dad forced it to drive up his hill and parked it out his house, when he made it drive it smoked black smoke and stunk of egg! This is when he knew it needed to be seen, he took it to a mechanic who replaced the stepper motor, got it back, drove it until it heated up, then it wouldnt start again! my dad managed to get it to start the next day but when he drove it home he said every time he took his foot off the accelerator it would cut out! so he got it back to the mechanic, the mechanic checked the ecu and replaced it, drove it around, still wasnt fixed! so he tried replacing the starter coil pack, still wasnt fixed, then he plugged it in to the diagnostic thing when it was actually playing up and it come up with a fault, im really not good with cars but he said something like, when the car heats up a sensor or spark plug, one of them anyway, was running open circuit, (that might be wrong but basically it was doing something it shouldnt be when heating up) he replaced that and its been driving ok for me for 2 days, but still sometimes it wont turn on it just revs like it would when u normally turn it on but the revs drop straight back down and it cuts out, i can get it to start if i push the accelerator at the same time when its playing up and hold the accelerator in for a minute then it will stay on, and drive ok with no cut outs, but after reading some other forums today im worrying that its only a matter of time before the problem comes back, has anyone had the same experience and the cars been ok or has it broke again? Ive read this problem can be very dangerous and i only passed in february im 18 driving around with my 1 year old daughter in the back i just have no confidence at all constantly worrying the cars going to cut out or rev up and i could be on a dual carraige way or a busy road :/
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