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  1. Hi there, don't know if I have posted this in the right place, basically in June 2011 I signed up to a plumbing course with strain for trade careers hoping to better myself. Within 1 year of the course alarm bells were ringing, the finance company was cdf I'm sure you have heard of these before, the course was 5678 pounds I've already paid about 3000 now there are chasing me for the 2580 something, they put a ccj against me and I wrote to the court explaining my situation, they wrote back to say try and resolve it with the company Cabot financial, who have now passed it on to wright hassall, I received a latter from wright hassall on Saturday to say they will give me 10 percent off this to pay in full. Then today I've received a letter for mediation, I just don't know what to do, half of me wants to dispute it as it was mis sold and not fit for purpose and other half wants to pay it to have done with it all, I just don't want to incur anymore costs, has anyone had dealings with these before?
  2. soliciter myt be worth while, but like you said, how would we prove it?, just a joke how the employer said those things and will probably get away with it.
  3. thats long term, shes been out of work now 5 weeks, and only saw the refernce this morning, i knw what ya saying, do voluntary work to get a decent reference. and what about what the employer has done?
  4. my gf is also in the same boat, her employer said that she wudent hire her again, she was a poor time keeper, which is a load of crap cuz i take her to work, shes always bwt half hour early, and her employer said she doesnt listen to certain requests given by managers, now she applied to a place and was turnd down becuz of how bad this reference was, now she doesnt knw what to do about this, shes applied for another job, but has got her old manage down as the reference, and wants to take her off it, but is worried what the new place will say.
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