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  1. I organise events just for fun for myself and friends, I usually do all the travel arrangements for everyone. Twice before I've taken 30 people from London Victoria to Brighton for the day. Last weekend I took 20 people from London to Brighton and booked group tickets a month earlier online with my credit card and chose the option to pick up the tickets from the machines at Victoria Station. On the day I went to the station (approx 50 minutes before train was due to leave) all the machines seemed to be playing up, the first machine I went to had a massive line and everyone seemed to be having problems. When it was my turn the machine only printed my tickets from London to Brighton but seemed to crash before printing out the return tickets, I tried again and no return tickets were being printed. Then tried a different machine it would not print my tickets. I then had to go to the Southern Information Desk at Victoria Station and they also could not print my tickets - the only option they gave me was to pay another £149 for 20 single tickets from Brighton to London and told me to claim it back later. The Staff did not give me any kind of claims form or advise me as to how to go about getting a refund. I've hung on to all my tickets, credit card receipts and even got the staff member to stamp my confirmation email and stamp it with the Southern Rail Stamp to say the machines did not print my tickets and I was forced into paying £149 for 20 single tickets for Brighton to London. What would be the best way to apply for a refund? I rang the Southern Information Number and they said go back to the station to get a refund form - I'd have thought at the very least the form would be online so I could download it. It means making a special journey for me to get a form. That's added wasted time and money. What do people advise as best way to get refund and what kind of compensation can I ask for and whats the best way to get it? I'd be happy with travel vouchers if they were of high enough value to go somewhere other then Brighton. The entire incident ruined the start of my day, what was supposed to be a nice relaxing day at the beach in Brighton turned into a very stressful situation both for myself and the people I was meeting as I was unable to be at the meeting spot in time at the Station as I was rushing back and forth trying to get the tickets sorted out. It also meant I didn't have enough time to buy the food I wanted in the food court so starved for most of the day in Brighton as I couldn't take time off from leading 19 other people around the city.
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