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  1. My experience with Davies Loss Adjusters was dreadful. I would advise you get expert advice and to keep a record of ALL communication - watch out for telephone conversations. As they prefer to operate via mobile phone conversations. Insist they keep in touch mainly via email and only use the telephone if it's urgent. In fact: start a Timeline and record everything. Then you have a good solid record and it will put you in good stead to deal with them if they do not honour your claim in the appropriate way. The CAG team are experienced with these problems. Especially Davies and Co as Davies have a bad reputation on this site. Good Luck
  2. Hi to All interested claimants, A rather belated update on my problems with Davies Group in relation to their handling of my insurance claim. In mid December 2011 I finally moved back into my home. The whole process had taken a full twelve months. After having refused to have anything more to do with Davies Loss Adjusters (Cardiff), my claim went from strength to strength. The local builders that I myself appointed were overseen by a very good surveyor from Cunningham Lindsey Loss Adjusters - although the actual Loss Adjuster from Cunningham Lindsey was of a similar mindset to the Davies Group of Loss Adjusters. However, I was fortunate to be given a decent and honest surveyor whom I felt (in the main) I could trust. The work by my own appointed builders was excellent and I am now enjoying my home very much. Some time after I moved back into my home, I submitted a complaint to my insurer, Zurich, and have since received a heartfelt (or so they say) apology and have given me a courtesy payment of £500 by way of apology. I've accepted this and feel glad to finally draw a line under the whole dreadful experience. It was so hard to take on both Davies Loss Adjusters and, in part, Zurich Insurance. However, I was in a stronger position to fight my case than most because Saga were my brokers and they did, where possible, fight my corner for me. Although, Saga, it has to be said, appoint insurance companies with disreputable loss adjusters - undoubtedly... Saga are only too aware of the problems that are so endemic within the insurance and loss adjusting industries. This website, The Consumer Action Group, was an invaluable source of information and moral support to me. Without CAG I would not have met Richard Withey. And without Richard Withey I would not have had the moral support and shared knowledge to take on Davies Loss Adjusters in the way that I did. Thank you Consumer Action Group and thank you Richard Withey. Agnettio
  3. Hi to All interested claimants, A rather belated update on my problems with Davies Group in relation to their handling of my insurance claim. In mid December 2011 I finally moved back into my home. The whole process had taken a full twelve months. After having refused to have anything more to do with Davies Loss Adjusters (Cardiff), my claim went from strength to strength. The local builders that I myself appointed were overseen by a very good surveyor from Cunningham Lindsey Loss Adjusters - although the actual Loss Adjuster from Cunningham Lindsey was of a similar mindset to the Davies Group of Loss Adjusters. However, I was fortunate to be given a decent and honest surveyor whom I felt (in the main) I could trust. The work by my own appointed builders was excellent and I am now enjoying my home very much. Some time after I moved back into my home, I submitted a complaint to my insurer, Zurich, and have since received a heartfelt (or so they say) apology and have given me a courtesy payment of £500 by way of apology. I've accepted this and feel glad to finally draw a line under the whole dreadful experience. It was so hard to take on both Davies Loss Adjusters and, in part, Zurich Insurance. However, I was in a stronger position to fight my case than most because Saga were my brokers and they did, where possible, fight my corner for me. Although, Saga, it has to be said, appoint insurance companies with disreputable loss adjusters - undoubtedly... Saga are only too aware of the problems that are so endemic within the insurance and loss adjusting industries. This website, The Consumer Action Group, was an invaluable source of information and moral support to me. Without CAG I would not have met Richard Withey. And without Richard Withey I would not have had the moral support and shared knowledge to take on Davies Loss Adjusters in the way that I did. Thank you Consumer Action Group and thank you Richard Withey. Agnettio
  4. Hi to All interested claimants, A rather belated update on my problems with Davies Group in relation to their handling of my insurance claim. In mid December 2011 I finally moved back into my home. The whole process had taken a full twelve months. After having refused to have anything more to do with Davies Loss Adjusters (Cardiff), my claim went from strength to strength. The local builders that I myself appointed were overseen by a very good surveyor from Cunningham Lindsey Loss Adjusters - although the actual Loss Adjuster from Cunningham Lindsey was of a similar mindset to the Davies Group of Loss Adjusters. However, I was fortunate to be given a decent and honest surveyor whom I felt (in the main) I could trust. The work by my own appointed builders was excellent and I am now enjoying my home very much. Some time after I moved back into my home, I submitted a complaint to my insurer, Zurich, and have since received a heartfelt (or so they say) apology and have given me a courtesy payment of £500 by way of apology. I've accepted this and feel glad to finally draw a line under the whole dreadful experience. It was so hard to take on both Davies Loss Adjusters and, in part, Zurich Insurance. However, I was in a stronger position to fight my case than most because Saga were my brokers and they did, where possible, fight my corner for me. Although, Saga, it has to be said, appoint insurance companies with disreputable loss adjusters - undoubtedly... Saga are only too aware of the problems that are so endemic within the insurance and loss adjusting industries.
  5. I will have a word with Richard, who I met on this site, and see if we can get in touch. It'll take a little time as I need to contact him and then work something out. Give me a week or so. Will be back in touch. Meanwhile get in touch with your insurance company and tell them you want a different loss adjuster as Davies are putting up barriers to resolving your claim. Don't settle for anything other than a different loss adjuster.
  6. It most certainly WAS Davies Loss Adjusters Cardiff... but I'm concerned about personal contact as I've no way of telling if you're genuine. Don't want to sound paranoid... but I have to be careful. One thing is for sure, if they are the people you are dealing with, then you have to get rid of them! You can request a different loss adjuster. Just tell your insurance company that you're not happy with them - quote their reputation on this site and refuse to deal with them.
  7. Sorry to hear you are having such a lot of problems. I found the whole insurance side of things much more stressful than the fact that my home was uninhabitable - although at first I thought the damage to my home was the worst that could happen. But in fact, thanks to the insurance company, things got much worse. Eventually.... I managed to get it sorted out. But it took a YEAR before I was back in my own home and by that time I was shattered and had become quite ill. I can't imagine what advice to give you as it was so convoluted. What I did find incredibly helpful was joining Which? magazine's legal advice. You can email them with a list of problems that you are experiencing. You have to give them a brief outline of the problem and then you can keep going back to them for more advice as you go along. This forum was also incredibly helpful - they will give you advice and guidance and moral support. The best part of this CAG is linking-up with others who are experiencing similar problems. I don't know your situation, but you are entitled to go to your own surveyor and also to have contractors of your own choice - local contractors make much more sense and you can check out their reputation before taking them on. If you are not happy with the insurance company you need legal advice - and that's what I sought at Which? Magazine. It was the cheapest option, but quite hard work as you have to be economical with your question. But they are very good! Good luck agnettio
  8. Hi, I'm the person that Richard Withey helped recently and without this website and Richard's information and moral support I would still be struggling with Davies and their awful crew. I refused the offer from Zurich of a 'nice kind man', or words to that effect, at the top of the management ladder at Davies as experience of both myself and Richard belied the existence of such a creature. Therefore, having refused to have anything more to do with Davies (having been forewarned by Richard of being offered this so called solution) I am now with Cunningham Lindsey loss adjusters. It's early days yet, perhaps, but now I have my own well reputed local builders in my house even though it's still very much under the auspices of the loss adjuster. I won't be breathing a sigh of relief until the work is completed and my builders have been paid. But this would never have happened with Davies. I agree with everything that Richard has said. And would request another loss adjuster from Zurich. I have been told by a legal helpline that you DO NOT have to put up with a loss adjuster if you're not happy with them. Good luck in your claim.
  9. That's very interesting as I've had my claim delayed by Davies loss adjusters (Cardiff) and they have lied to me too for six months... No doubt you're all sorted now as it's two years since you posted this. I'm in conversation with Richard Withey and it's thanks to Richard that I managed to get rid of Davies sooner rather than later - as without his advice I might have been tempted to give them a second chance. But Richard has had similar, if not worse, experience of Davies loss adjusters and is well informed about the way Davies do business. If anyone out there is having problems with Davies loss adjusters... get out as soon as you can. Ask for a different loss adjuster as you will get nowhere with them and they will just try to wear you down and worse... Speak to Richard Withey, he's very genuine and well informed about how to deal with them.
  10. Hi, I too have had terrible problems with Davies and their contract management group Eastwell and I'm also insured with Zurich. They have mishandled my claim in a very serious way - misinformation, manipulation of facts, and outright lies regarding my claim. You'll get nothing out of them. If you can, get rid of them and ask for a different loss adjuster from Zurich. I'm very much in conversation with Richard Withey - genuine man and very helpful. He can give you lots of leads as to how to handle them. Agnes
  11. Water Damage end of December 2010. I have a water damage claim in excess of 50,000 and have had all of the above problems with Davies Loss Adjusters. The insurance preferred builders that came out to initially do a stabilising process were shambolic. The loss adjuster and his surveyor deliberately delayed my claim in order to wear me down over a period of time. They have used tactics to bewilder, confuse and deceive me and they have lied to me. I eventually contacted Saga (my broker) and they seem to have had some clout with the insurer, Zurich. I've submitted my own builder's estimate and Zurich have given me a different loss adjuster (Cunningham Lindsey) to deal with the restoration of my home (using my own builder). The new loss adjuster is very much of the same ilk as Davies (Cagey and with a stance of solidarity with the previous loss adjuster), but the surveyor seems much better and a decent sort of person. Now a proper schedule of works is being set-up and he wants a statement of method from my builder. It's looking much better - but will my builder still be available to carry out the work when it all finally gets rubber stamped for the go ahead...? That's my problem now.
  12. Hi edb49, how is your claim going. I'd be interested to know. I have put a description of the problems I'm having on this thread. I am now, apparently, locked in a cash settlement conversation with the loss adjuster.
  13. Thanks unclebulgaria67, I'm new to this site and really don't know how to set up a new thread. But I'm grateful for your comments.
  14. ]Water Damage claim December 2010: re-build of the interior of my home I have had terrible problems with Davies Loss Adjusters, Cardiff. My insurance is with Zurich via Saga (as Brokers). After constant delay tactics to deliberately wear me down I have been cornered into a process of a 'cash settlement'. I have a detailed extensive builders estimate, which I submitted on the understanding that I would have my own builder to carry out the work instead of their chosen contractors. I was designated as 'the employer' if I'd agreed to have their contractors (which seemed very odd to me - apart from the fact that the experience I'd had of both Davies and their contractors was dreadful). A Works Schedule has been drawn up by their in-house surveyor, which contained some costings, but items of work to be carried out were left off the schedule. The surveyor mysteriously disappeared from the negotiations of my claim and this caused considerable delay to my claim. I now find myself in a position of negotiating a 'cash settlement' after having been told by the Loss Adjuster that getting my own contractors in was a 'cash settlement' (yes... I have been Naive... if only we could do a crash course in insurance claims before we go into this whole cut-throat process - but we're usually in a state of complete despair and panic from the incident of the reason for the claim - hindsight is a wonderful thing). I have been continually bated by them thorough the setting up of a tender process - yes, two of their builders did come out to look at my property in order to put in a tender. They had the Works Schedule to work from )minus the costings) and the idea was that one of them would be nominated - win the tender - and be employed by Me... to carry out the extensive repairs to restore my property. I, eventually, after much more delay tactics, received a garbled phone call from the surveyor (the last I ever heard from him) to set-up a date for a Site Meeting - where 'everything would be sorted out'.... The date of the meeting came and went and nothing happened. I had no explanation as to why the surveyor left the scene of my claim... and I then in desperation told the Loss Adjuster that I would 'project manage the whole thing myself and get my own builders in'. Apparently, this is were the confusion lies. But at no time, until very recently, has the Loss Adjuster made clear to me the distinction between on the one hand getting my own contractors in to replace the insurers contractors and getting a 'Cash Settlement'. I now believe there never was going to be a 'site Meeting' and that the process was mainly to wear me down and trap me into going for a cash settlement. I put in a very extensive builder's estimate - which came to £54,000.00 including VAT and a contingency sum of £3,500.00. Given that the surveyor didn't go into the attic, I'm unsure as to the full extent of the water damage up in the attic in the way of wooden beams and such like and also such a big build needs a contingency fee. The Loss Adjuster has told me that 'they don't cover VAT - so I can knock off £8,000.00 or a contingency fee and he is 'looking at the costings'. The costings are all very fair and above board and compiled by a local builder of excellent reputation. Does anyone know if it is true that the Insurers 'do not cover costings for Vat or a contingency fee'.... I would be grateful for any comments on this. Agnettio
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