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Sofa not so good

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Everything posted by Sofa not so good

  1. I can confirm that these individuals are the one and the same as those at ELS. I have recently been to both branches and amazingly the same Salesmen work there. I bought a Sofa from them in Nov 2009, it finally turned up in May 2010, it wasn't what we ordered and was damaged too. After a number of complaints the Sofa was collected in July 2010 and replaced with a 'Loan Sofa' that was the last I saw of my Sofa for which I paid cash. I am building up a 'porfolio' of Gary Lord and would welcome any information anyone has about him and his business practices. I can confirm that he lives in a substatial property in Stratford Upon Avon not far from his Father who has a much larger establishent. These have been paod for by US!!!!! I feel that it is about time that these individuals were bought to task about their dubious business practices. When this portfolio of Gary Lord is complete, it will be handed to the local media for them to review and other media outlets which I am in contact with. Its about time these people were made to feel a bit of media heat. I have let this lie until now because i knew that they would rise again under some other guise and attempt to do the same thing. Criminals always return to the seen of their crime. I look forward to viewing any posts providing information about this individual, undoubtedly there will be postings form them as I am sure they don't have the intelligence to recognise that the momentum is growing. Sofa not so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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