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Everything posted by wilsul

  1. Thanks Bazooka Boo
  2. Hello I was moved to the esa support group in August/September this year, but I received a letter from DWP this morning telling me to go and meet my job coach on the 11th January 2017. The letter says that I must take steps to prepare for a return to work when I am able and says that I must also tell them about work-related activities that I've done. They also give a warning about my payments, saying that they know how important the payments are to me! They say that they want to help me keep them, but in return I must do work-related activities. Its all very confusing to me, so can anyone help me with some advice? Thanks.
  3. Thanks for your comments One of the advisers that I got on well with told me broadly the same thing, and warned me that my adviser couldn't force me into anything. Apparently there have also been a lot of redundancies in companies running the WP, so the screws are being tightened even more.
  4. Hello Mr.P, Thanks a lot for the advice and the links. I have more of an idea now of how the WP/Ingeus works.
  5. Thanks for your reply, I'm not surprised that they are hardly ever aware of the guidance - after having a brief look at it, it is a lot of stuff to remember. Like I said, in my first appointment with her she seemed OK - I could of said "abrupt" instead of "a bit aggressive". I thought they had similar meanings. She certainly wasn't shouting or threatening towards me! It wasn't my intention if I gave that impression. If you do record conversations, and they caught you doing it, wouldn't they sanction you for that?
  6. Many thanks for the advice Mr.P, I will read through the WP guidance. Do you have to have their permission to record conversations?
  7. Many thanks for your reply. When I went to Atos in 2013 they accepted what I was saying and told me that I didn't need to be physically examined. I was only in there ten minutes. The decision that I got from DWP said that they'd placed me in the wrag group, and an advisor told me that I should attend the WP. You make a lot of very good points that I wasn't aware of and I am very grateful for the advice. I will definitely ask Ingeus about being reassessed. I'll ask to see the manager as well. As you say, all I was doing was following the correct procedures!
  8. Thanks for replying No, the appointment time was written on a small card.
  9. Hello I've been on the Work Programme with Ingeus since October 2013 and up to now most of the people there have been OK with me. Some of them have been really helpful. Earlier this year, arthritis in my neck and shoulders started to get worse and I am currently getting physiotherapy for it. I have other problems with chronic back, leg and groin pain, so some days I am as stiff as a board and find it very difficult to move about. I am on a lot of pain medication. Ingeus know about this. About a month ago they changed my advisor. In my first appointment with her she seemed OK, but was a bit aggressive in her manner. She booked another appointment with me for two weeks later, but on that day I woke up and was in a lot of pain and could hardly move. I called her about four hours before the appointment time to ask if she could rearrange the appointment because I was in a lot of pain. She said “well, anyone could say that couldn't they?” and “I've only got your word for it”. She went on to say that I may get sanctioned because of this, and booked another appointment. I am worried now because this seems to me like Ingeus want to punish me for being in pain. My GP has told me that these health problems will probably get worse, so its even more worrying. I’d be very grateful for any comments or advice on what to say to Ingeus, because I don't know the rules of the WP and I'm scared to say anything that may cause them to sanction me.
  10. Sorry for the VERY long delay in replying - due to ill-health. To cut a long story short after asking Direct TV's again (twice) for the original delivery charge to be refunded, a few weeks later they refunded it with a very short apology. So there was no need to apply for a chargeback. Many thanks to rebel11 for all of the advice.
  11. OK rebel11, I'll do that as soon as possible. Thanks.
  12. Hello rebel11 Many thanks for that information, I'll do that. Like I said in a previous post, I've read stories of Direct TV's doing the same thing to other customers. Thanks again.
  13. Hello rebel11 No they haven't charged for the return. They haven't refunded the original delivery charge - just the price of the TV.
  14. Well I waited and Direct TV's have partly refunded me. They haven't refunded the original delivery cost of £14.95. I've tried to contact them several times but they don't reply. As shown in a previous post the DSRs require that refunds should include the delivery cost. I don't know what to do next because they don't respond. Any advice/comments would be appreciated.
  15. hello rebel11 I'm just a bit nervous after reading some horror stories about them online - taking so-called "fees" from refunds. That's why I sent them the eMessages asking how much the refund was. They havent replied to any of them so it's making me a bit nervous. I think I'll do as you say and wait a couple of days and see what happens. Thanks
  16. Here is an update. As mentioned above, a return was arranged for Friday 22nd June. DHL collected the TV as arranged. I sent Direct TV's an eMessage on Monday morning (25th June) because I hadn't heard any confirmation that they had received the TV. I had to wait until Monday afternoon for a reply, they said "I can confirm that we haven't received the item yet...We will provide you with a update shortly." Shortly? They sent me an eMessage late on Tuesday afternoon saying "We've issued a refund for your return...If you paid by credit or debit card then you don't need to do anything now, the money will simply appear in your account in 5-7 days." I've sent them several eMessages asking how much the refund is. They haven't replied to any of them so it looks like I'll have to wait to see if they pay the right amount - if they pay at all! It all feels a bit dodgy to me. Any advice or comments would be appreciated.
  17. OK rebel11 I'll do that as soon as possible. Thanks
  18. Many thanks rebel11, some great information there - just what I needed! What surprised me was that they thought the TV looked new! I emailed Toshiba UK earlier on and asked them to stop linking to this company from their site. No reply yet.
  19. Hello Can anyone help with advice on this? I bought what I thought was a new TV online this week. I'd been on Toshiba UK's site on Monday and chose a TV to buy. On the same page as the description of the TV was a "where to buy" button which gave a link to Direct TV's. I used the link to get on to Direct TV's site and ordered the TV. I paid a bit more for next day delivery because I wanted to watch the England game on Tuesday night. Sure enough, it was delivered on Tuesday. When I opened the box it was very obvious straight away that this wasn't a new TV. The power lead and plug were just stuffed loosely into the box and not secured. It was in poor condition and had scuffs, scratches and greasy fingerprints on it. The bezel around the screen was very loose as well. You can see what I mean here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3me9kqgqrh3j5u8/XUZNoGKnR8 I got in touch straight away with Direct TV's using their "emessage" system but they left it until the next day to reply. After several emessages between us they wanted photographic proof of my claims. I gave them this and a return was eventually sorted out for tomorrow (Friday 22nd June) Fair enough you'd think, but after reading their t&c's it turns out that they won't refund any delivery charges and they will charge for the return! I'd be grateful for any help with this because I think that this is straight forward deception. They have deliberately tried to dress up a used TV and sell it to me as being new. There was even a power use sticker put on the front of it! I don't see why I should be paying for any of this.
  20. Sorry UseNeXT Team You are quite right, it was because I was still subscribed to the thread!!! D'oh... I have now unsubscribed
  21. Hello UseNeXT Team Could you kindly send your replies to neobass to neobass's email address and NOT MINE!! I dont know how its happened, but I got your message to neobass as an email.
  22. hello neobas I think that there was a language problem with "usenext team" when I had problems with them, so be aware of that. Once they understood my problem properly, they tried to help and (eventually) sorted things out. So be persistent!! dx100uk has pointed you in the right direction.
  23. thanks for that silverfox1961 - I'll bear that in mind. I'm just going to go back to the shop and see what happens. Now that I'll know a bit more about sale of goods etc. I wont let them fob me off again.
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