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  1. Hi all, I've just got off the phone with Orange/EE customer services after checking my bank account to discover that they are still taking payments for a contract that expired in October. Now, I followed their requirements and gave them 30 days notice not to renew back in September. They said 'no problem' and informed me that I'd have to make one final payment after the expiration date and then that's that (which is why I didn't bat an eyelid when they took money in November). Imagine my surprise when I logged on to my online banking to find they are still taking my money. So I rang them up to find out what was going on. They acknowledged that I had indeed asked not to renew my contract. They then said they received another call asking to 'un-unrenew' said contract. So they did. I did no such thing! Why would I? I've been with another (PAYG) provider since my old phone went kaput several months before my contract with Orange even expired! I hadn't used my Orange SIM since I changed phones. Why would I want to continue a contract I a) no longer use and hadn't used in months, and b) wasn't even happy with considering I got a better deal for a third of the price elsewhere? Makes zero sense, doesn't it? So they've cancelled the contract for me. Again. Which means they'll be charging me for another 2 months. Thing is. I cancelled the Direct Debit with them. And they want £40 for the month on Monday. My mother reckons I shouldn't pay it and should take the matter up with Citizens Advice coz she reckons Orange are trying it on. Now, I'd love to tell them where to stick it, but I'm worried my credit rating will be affected if I don't pay up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Has anybody else had similar dealings with Orange? I've heard that they've got form for this sort of thing.
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