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Everything posted by pokerking1

  1. I`ve messed up big time. Did not file my defense as I thought cabbot couldn't proceed without the agreement . In reply to my request under the cca they stated that they did not have any of the docs I requested on file and that they would apply for them from the original lender stating that it would take 40 days (they say they have owned this debt for three years ) so in my naivety I thought I had more time, not so, Judgement by default. They have ordered me to pay £50 per month, they will be lucky as I only receive £84 per month dla as my ESA has been stopped
  2. Received response from cabbots solicitors regarding cpr request . : Please find enclosed draft letter which purports to come from you but is unsigned. You will appreciate that we must ensure we are corresponding with the correct person and that anyone requesting information is entitled to receive it. Please ensure that all documentation is signed failing which we will not acknowledge receipt nor provide any response. Well thats wasted a week ,any thoughts on this and should I resend the request and sign it ?
  3. Been looking through some posts and noticed most people have got a particularly detailed poc, mine is verbatim as in post 5. It does not even state the sort of contract, I may have had other contracts with vanquis that are settled, how can I defend what I don't know?
  4. I have done the cca request one for cabbot and a copy for the solicitors. I don't understand what I can ask for under cpr31.14 request. As far as I can understand I can only ask for documents that are mentioned in their particulars, which is a contract and an assignment. T he information a really need are statements and date of last payment. these would only come with a sar which would take to long I asked the wife did she make any payments on my behalf she is unsure but as this is the only debt I have outstanding it seems unlikely she also said that there was some people she couldnt deal with because they where really nasty this might be them
  5. Hi thanks for your reply The claimant is Cabot Financial Particulars of claim The claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the from the defendant(s) under a contract between the defendant(s) and Vanquis dated on or about 16/05/2007 and assigned to the claimant on the 23/02/2011 in the sum of 1644.48 Particulars a/c no xxxxxxxxxx date item value 30/06/2014 Default Balance 1644.48 post refri Cr NIL TOTAL 1644.48 As for the rest of the questions This is about the time that I started having issues and a lot of problems of this nature where kept from me
  6. The above post has not come out right, what I think I mean is should I tick one of boxes on the acknowledgement of services and then try get the information as above. I know I should read other posts regarding this matter but I still have mental health issues and being unable to concentrate or take information in is part of the problems i have
  7. Just received claim form from cabot for credit card debt, original creditor vanquis,I know I have only a short time to respond but I have a feeling that this debt may be statue barred. Can I say I am going to defend it and change my mind depending on the information I receive as in last payment made and on production of credit agreement and notice of assignment.
  8. Well had my appeal it was adjourned. Was in a small room with a lawyer and doctor who proceeded to grill me for 20 mins on how my condition effected my driving ability,after trying to tell them I don't drive my wife had to state forcibly He does not own a car/ has never owned a car Does not drive /has never driven Has never held a licence either provisional or full and I drive him when he can manage to go out at which the lawyer said, "well it says on the form that you drove yourself to the assessment" I said that's why we are here, The information given to the dwp decision maker by atos was a complete fabrication and it effected the decision makers ability to make a fair and unbiased decision. at this point he said I think we should adjourn for medical reports. I then asked him if it is now okay to falsify official documents for monetary gain, being a lawyer he never answered. To add insult to injury the doctor said 2 years of records will be sufficient, I said that would give a biased slant on my condition as the only history will be regular visits to the doctor for pain killers and antidepressants and would not incorporate the operations and other procedures I have been through. Fair and impartial I think not
  9. Well my esa (contribution based) is ending in april after paying in for 30 odd years, just before it runs out my appeal will be heard which has taken about 10 months the best I could hope for was to be put in wrag as I`m not in an iron lung. I will not be able to claim esa because of my o/h earnings or jsa as I am unfit for work so do I soley have to rely on my o/h to keep me? or is there some help I could receive so I could help towards living costs ( o/h salary about 24k)
  10. I havent got all the details yet, I was just trying to find out if the company should have alerted them to this usage, as the phones only ever used when hes workin away on siteand hes not been away for a couple of months
  11. Can mobile phone companies moniter unusual activity on phones, as my son has had a company phone for 12 years and the average billis round £15.00 per month hes just been told the bill for this month is £7000 and he `s got no idea how this happend, he rarely uses the phone and its the same handset from years ago. Got no further details til later, just wanted to know wether the company should have alerted him or his company that something odd appears to be happening?
  12. Thanks for the quick reply osdet. I just thought that I wouldnt have to discredit her report as she seems to have done that herself by producing two differing reports, as for evidence as to my condition on the day she states that it would be to painful for me to be examined, so out of her own mouth on the day I was in extreme pain and not fit enough to undergo a full physical
  13. Having failed the selection proccess with 12 points for mental health issues, I have appealed. Is it right that the appeal is only about the day of the atos farce? If this is correct my appeal will be based on what did not happen as opposed to what is stated on the reportS. One report states that I was exsamined physically fully and that I had no problems, the second report states that I would not be exsamined as this would cause me to much pain, neither is true, as infront of a witness I told the nurse that she could examine me. So my question is how can I supply medical evidence from physios surgeons and consultants on something that never took place? Would it be sufficient just to produce the two conflicting reports and a written statement from the witness and let the tribunal decide which is true?
  14. Appeal now sent as they did not reply to my letter asking the decision maker to look at it again. Is every thing that is said at the tribunal by both sides held in strict confidence or can it be used by a third party against you?
  15. failed atos assessment about 3 weeks ago 12 points, sent in a letter of appeal to the decision maker and a request for the atos fabrication report have not received these yet, but I have received my P45, Is it normal for them to send out your P45 while waiting to appeal? thanks
  16. Partners just read the letter decision makers reasons she said there are five outright lies and lots of half truths, she was present and she answered some questions because I was getting very angry at the method of interagation used .The biggest laugh is they say I`m capable of using a phone and mouse and open doors with my right hand use a pen, this is more atos magic I`m left handed
  17. Well got the letter today 12 points for mental health problems 0 points for physical. The letter states that on examanation the healthcare professional found no limitations in upper or lower limb function. There was no physical examination due to the reluctance of the hcp to cause me pain and discomfort even though I told her I was willing to be examend she declined to examin me. Is this grounds for the decision to be reversed as obvoisly someone is being creative with what went on at the medical
  18. hi all, just received the esa50 to fill in, I`m on incapacity at the moment. about 6 years ago I had to finish work due to severe spondilitis in neck and lower back, I`ve had physio til it come out of my ears nerve release ops that were n`t succsessful and steriod injections into my spine. On my last visit to the pain managment clinic my consultant said there was nomore they could do for me except give me whatever painkillers and anti inflamatory drugs I needed and pills to make me happy about it (I think he knew what was likely to happen). All this is documented with the various hospitals clinics and GP. Now I have other issues that seem stupid and embarressing, for the last 3 years I`ve not been over the door step except for visits to the GP for drugs, I`m frightend and anxious about going out alone lost contact with family and friends dont answer the door or the phone find even the simplest things hard to do through lack of concentration and the feeling of frustration and sadness that failure brings, I`ve not spoken to anybody about this even as I try to express my thoughts now it seems so petty and rediculous. Does anyone one think I should add this to the form without any medical back up, as I cant face trying to explain these feelings to people face to face and feeling worse than I do now
  19. It appears you sign over your legal rights to fscs to act on your behalf and they can do as they see fit. (like doing deals with cattles and playing with virtual money)
  20. thanks BankFodder, is there some sort of official quote (Govt or otherwise) I can use in a letter that will add weight when I tell them its 6 years from when I found out? Doing the claims myself, feels nice sending or else letters instead of receiving them
  21. Hi all, could someone please confirm for me by way of guidelines or legislation that the claiming back of ppi is six years from when you found out is was misold, as some companies are saying that some claims are statue barredas in my 2001 claim
  22. first I`d check my sar telephone transcripts if any,for any hard copy evidence and try to marry them up with the forms before asking welcome employees for statements for the simple reason welcome have always been econimical with the truth. Further he will be well coached if he is still employed by them, and if not their brief will tear him apart as a disgruntled ex emloyee
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