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  1. Hi there, Its me back. I have come in agreement with Cash genie and Payday express but QQ is driving me crazy. The original loan amount was £500 and they charged me with £746. They are asking for 6 equal monthly payments and I am totally unable to make 6 equal monthly payments. Its not possible for me to make more than £10 payment this month and they are insisting for £124 and not considering my situation at all. I offered bigger amounts from next month but all in-vane. Please advise. Thanks
  2. Its hell strange, annoying and irritating, I dont understand its happening in UK that someone just sit on my money and not returning it without good reason. There is no one to whom i consult and take out my money from those cons.
  3. They promised me they will return my money, and send me an email which confirms this, but despite making many promises they are not refunding the money. I called ATOL and consumer direct they both told me for chargeback on my VISA debit card I did and lets see where it will go, also consumer direct told me to wirte them a letter and allowing them reasonable time to refund your money. I just checked thier terms and conditions which show no refund, but why I was promised for refund in the first place on 26th April, and then Sent me an email on confirming this on 16th june ? Please advise.
  4. Just an update I just recieved call from them and the same thing that I wont wait I will not get my money back, please help me with that, Are they some cons or what .
  5. Hi, I bought ticket from a travel agent on 16th April 2011 for 605 pounds. My flight date was 28th April but I canceled the ticket on 26th April 2011. I was told that they will deduct 195 pounds and will refund me the rest within 4 weeks. I called them exactly after 4 weeks and all the time they would tell me that they will call me back and misbehaved and talked very rudely. One day they threatened me if I keep calling they will not refund my money and on 16 June they told me that my money will be refunded in 30 days, and send me an email but they didn't mention the 30 days in email. So I called today and again same thing. I called thrice and now feeling very very bad. I called CAB but all they told me send them a letter which I chose not to. I wonder is there anyway I could lodge a complaint and get my money back as now I am sure they will not refund my money. Please help me and give me some guidance. Thanks.
  6. Cashgenie agreed with 10 pounds pcm, and prided thier accounts details to submit the money in that.
  7. Hi, Just got a reply from Cash Genie and they asking for 20 pounds pcm and I offered 10 pcm. They also asked for card details etc, which I did not provide and told them I ll send the money through postal order. The others are calling me again and again but I did not answer, waiting for their replies through email.
  8. Thanks alot. You are such great people doing a fantastic job. I email all of them. I wish I could pay them straight away but for next two months its not possible for me to make more than 50 pounds payments. In September only I cant pay the smaller ones. I will keep you updated as soon as I hear from them.
  9. Just gone through the proforma post and come to know that they can call my work place ? Its very embarrasing ....how to stop them from calling at my work place .
  10. HI, Sorry for being away for long as I was assessing any easibility to pay them all one off but I cant see any option to pay them in full. Now I am ready to send them email requesting for repayment plan. Please help me with the following points: 1. What reason should I mention as the main reason is I am fed up of those loans and cant manage them anymore, want to stop the interest and will repay in instalements. 2. Should I include the income and expenditure statement ? can I get a proforma ? 3. Also can anybody please help me with the letter by posting a proforma letter here. Thanks a lot.
  11. Thanks alot. I understand but at this situation I am not in position to pay 200 pounds. I will offer them the above amounts. Will cancel my debit card today and ll write them on this friday when the payments are due. This is a really great relief for me. You people are doing a very great job, by helping people like me, who cant get out of this nasty loans. Regards.
  12. Thanks alot for your reply. I just applied online for Halifax Easycash Account. i just made an income and expenditure statement and I would be left with only 45 pounds after all my expanses provided that I dont go for any other payday loan. here is a summary of the loans, Quickquid Borrowed in August 2010 250 pounds and it reached to 550 and I paid almost 900 pounds of interest. I will offer them 20 pounds a month. Cashgenie Borrowed in August 2010 and paying interest 30 pounds / month since then. Will offer them 10 pounds per month. Swift payday Borrowed 200 last month and will offer them 20 pounds per month. Just worried with the swift payday one as I just borrowed last month and paid nothing since then, will they think its a fraud or something ? Also please let me know am I making the right offers ? I can double my monthly payments to them from January next year. Regards.
  13. It is a great relief that I gone through such a fantastic page. Here is my story and I am sure I am writing at the right place. Last year in July I took loan from quickquid of 250 pounds and extending it regulerly till now and its almost 500 pounds and as I calculate the interest I paid on it is more than 900 pounds in last 10 months. Also I took 100 pounds from Cash genie and paying 30 pounds interest since august from it as the principle remain the same. Last month to Facilitate the interest payments of those two loans I took loan from Swift of 200 pounds. Now If I carry on paying the interest I would be nowhere in many months and it will go burden on me. Please help me with this situation as how I can make an arrangement with QuickQuid, Cash Genie, and Swift payday. I am honest toward my obligation and I would pay the whole amount in installments. Regards, MWA.
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