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Everything posted by zoe_ashton

  1. Found the reg quite easily actually - [edited] I really hope they weren't stupid enough to try and 'fix' the car again and resell it!!
  2. Hiya Sharon, Not sure of the reg - might have it on some paperwork if I have a look. It was a dark blue 57 plate the one we had the problems with if that helps?!? Good luck in getting it fixed, but I would suggest rejecting the car and getting a different one before you end up out of pocket!
  3. Hi doojaga, Perhaps a change in childcare would be another option? I am a registered childminder (not in your area), and sometimes children who don't like/enjoy nursery can be quite happy at a childminders, as it is more homely and there are less children there so they can feel more secure. Just remember that in resigning, you may find it hard to find another job with the way the employment market is at the moment. Good luck with whatever you decide to do
  4. Ha ha rebel.... like a free holiday with a new car thrown in?!?!
  5. Thank you CAG - I can't believe I won the prize draw. What a nice start to the new year! I have emailed details as requested Thank you also to all of the lovely people on here who gave me lots of great advice and support over the summer when I needed it most; it's great to have found such a friendly advice forum. Hope 2012 is a good year for everyone Zoe. Xx
  6. Hello all, Just thought I would let you know how I was getting on with the new 'new' car! a few months on. So far, everything is absolutely fine - except still the smell of cigarette smoke on some days. And the fact that we have had no confirmation that the car loan was transferred onto the new vehicle (which Chapelhouse was getting changed for us, as they arranged it in the first place); that is supposed to be being chased up though. But thanks again for all the help, advice and support - really don't think I would have got through it in a remotely sane state of mind if it weren't for some of the people on here! It does make me sad though that there are SO many posts about cars from dealerships that have broken within a few days, and that the garages just really don't care - at least you guys can give some good advice!! Shame there isn't a forum on childcare, as I may have been able to have some relevant input into that Anyhow... thanks again to all who helped out..... and fingers crossed it continues to be problem free!!! Zoe. Xx
  7. Thanks Andrew, Thanks for the suggestions If it doesn't get better this week will give chapelhouse a ring and get them to fully valet the car! Presume the air-con cleaning aerosol that you mentioned is what the service manager will give me. Zoe.
  8. Hello all, Just to let you know we collected the replacement car yesterday, as well as the cheque which I am banking tomorrow to pay off credit card bill which arrived this morning! At the moment the only thing that is wrong with the new car is that is absolutely STINKS of cigarette smoke - really disgusting! So am going to give it a spray of oust tomorrow to see if it gets rid of the smell, and if not Dave (service manager) said he would give me something for the air-con?? Thanks for all the help and support when I needed it most! There were times when I thought I was just going mad and not getting anywhere! Will keep you updated on the driving progress of the new car - fingers crossed!!!!! Zoe.
  9. QwertyIan, If you have read all of the very long story, you will have seen that before we went on holiday they changed an electrovalve to a 'new' one which we later found out after it was replaced in France again, that it was not new, and was in fact from a 'donor car'. Not sure that even tippex would help!!! I too am debating on whether I really want to use my 'free MOT for life' with Chapelhouse, or whether I will actually continue paying who I used to go to!! Do I really trust them not to damage or break something else on the car.....???
  10. hiya QwertyIan Still waiting for refund.... supposed to be getting the new car on thursday, but they don't know when I will get the money back! Although I keep pointing out that my credit card bill is imminently due!!! Chapelhouse apparently have a very good relationship with St Helens Trading Standards - which worries me slightly that maybe tey are in contact with them a bit too often! I have honestly not heard a good word from anyone I have spoken to - they all know someone who has had problems: **My dad sent his car in for a service, and it then had to go back 3 times as they had caused an oil leak **My ex-childminder's pensioner dad bought a brand new car from them - told them he needed an automatic due to his hip, they helped him pick a make/model/spec etc... it arrived and was a manual, let him drive of the forecourt and then when he said he needed an automatic charged him over £500 to change the car as it was no longer new! **They didnt even service the car my grandad bought off them (I didnt know about that when I bought mine!) and he had to pay a fortune getting things fixed somewhere else **the lady who was in one of the times that i was in when they were trying to 'fix' the car had also bought a brand new one, which had arrived with a small scratch on it. That was in March, and she said since then it had been to 3 different Chapelhouse body shops and had ended up needing pieces of the bodywork replacing, not just re-spraying! Have since found out that my MOT should have had advisory notice with it - read someones post one here that said you could look online - and found that the front brake discs needed replacing and the nail in the tyre that we thought had happened on the way home was actually on the MOT!!! So yeah, maybe best avoid Chapelhouse if you can! We only really went with the 5 year 0% deal, but it actually doesnt work out that good! And if you can actually get through to them on the phone, it is a miracle! Good luck with your car hunt! And fingers crossed I get my money and car on Thursday! Zoe.
  11. No news from Chapelhouse... waiting for a call back from the general manager to see about any progress Really need a bigger car back soon!
  12. Still no update from Chapelhouse..... Am going to ring them tomorrow if not heard anything
  13. Sorry.. it posted twice for some reason?!?!
  14. You could also ring the NI Helpline: Telephone National Insurance enquiries For enquiries relating to: - Class 1 National Insurance rates and thresholds - Statutory Payments - Age exception certificates (form CA4140) - Home Responsibilities Protection criteria / Parents and Carers Credits - Married Women's Reduced Rate Election - National Insurance statement requests - Class 3 National Insurance enquiries The helpline cannot provide customers with State Pension forecasts. State Pension forecast - learn more on Directgov web site by following the State Pension forecast link below. Opening hours 8.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday Closed weekends and bank holidays 0845 302 1479 For customers who are deaf or hearing or speech impaired: 0845 915 3296 (Textphone) They should be able to tell you how many qualifying years you have paid, and I would expect them to be able to give you advice on topping up your NI contributions if necessary
  15. Hiya HB, My dad is with someone else for call charges in France, and he has had a look online, but can only see call charges on his previous bill Thanks for the suggestion though! Zoe Xxx
  16. Hello all, Picked up the bigger courtesy car at lunchtime today - is a Citroen C3, which ironically is what I upgraded from! No other progress, except we have to come up with a figure for reimbursement for phone calls etc that we would be happy with, as phone bill in France not due til mid-Aug, or consider a better spec model/newer car etc to compensate. Said I would consider both, but would depend on how newer they were talking about (basically think we were well overcharged for the car in the first place anyway!) But will let you know when anything else happens Zoe. Xx
  17. Hello all Actually no need to kill anyone at the moment as Chapelhouse are now being quite reasonable! Was only there an hour discussing matters (but then needed to do Tesco shop in a tiny car!) Anyway... so they have agreed to replace the car as they understand that I wouldn't want it fixed again (and perhaps they can't be bothered fixing it again?!?!) They thought that refund and payment of charges I proposed was quite reasonable, so hopefully should get some money back quite soon So we have got a courtesy car (3door and very small - not at all practical for us and our 3 year old!) but they are swapping it when their Citroen C3 comes back in on Wed (This is what I had upgraded from in the first place!) So all that is good. They are looking for a new car for me too, so just a case of waiting for one - they know there is one arriving at the end of the week so they have said they can get that for me to look at first, but it is fully automatic rather that electronic gear box (confused me no end at that point, as I had been told mine was automatic?!?) so will see what that one is like once it arrives. Or will wait for one that I am happy with. I let them have the parts, but they did write out a receipt for them for me (and we have the pictures of them). Have kept the original French garage invoices - just gave Chapelhouse copies! So keep fingers crossed that no blood needs to be shed at the moment, and I will be getting another new car! Thanks for all the help and advice - will keep you updated with progress Zoe
  18. Just spoken to Consumer Direct, and the man was lovely - he was gobsmaked when I told him what had been going on! He said, if Chapelhouse want the parts, let them have it, but I have every right to ask for a replacement car now, as they have had opportunities to rectify the problems before we went on holiday, and as they agreed the repair in Frances, I am entitled to a full refund in a timely manner (as will need to pay credit card). He also said that the things I want reimbursing for are quite reasonable, and come under 'Damages' as they are costs that would not have been otherwise incurred had the car not been faulty. So just writing a letter to Chapelhouse, and we will see what they say tonight - fingers crossed!!
  19. We are thinking that if Chapelhouse say they cannot progress with anything without the parts, to release them on condition of getting a receipt for them stating that we still own the parts until they agree reimbursement - or something to that effect. Will hopefully be ok!
  20. Meeting arranged for 5pm tonight, so any input before then would be highly appreciated! Thanks all
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