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  1. Correct me if I'm wrong. From what you have said i take it that best course of action is to ignore, unless correspondence lands at my present address at which point I send a do not acknowledge any debt letter?
  2. Original payment? If you mean from myself to Orange then No later than 2003
  3. Oh, yesterday was the first time I heard from anyone since 2002 or 3 at the latest but expect letters have been sent to address where I lived at time of dispute and apparently the address I moved out of a yaer ago, tho I haven't seen them...
  4. The dept was from 2002 but the man on the phone from Bryan Carter was on about the dept going over (passed over to?) to 2006 which did not make sense to me, by this point I was riled tho...
  5. Also what about the time limits, still cant believe that they are chasing me for £120 from 9yrs ago! If I send that letter does that make it SB and they can't chase me anymore. What are the chances of this actually going to court?
  6. So, what advice would you give? Do I have to send them any letters or at this stage are they just chancing their arm and should I ignore? I am reluctanant to tell them my address as then I know I'll be harrassed with demands I thought I had been blacklisted before because of this as I was refused a mobile contract, but still managed to get a mortgage? What can they gain from taking me to court for £80 - £120 I would pay the amount, but on principle Orange ripped me off and said I had entered a verbal contract with them that I did not or if did I was wrongly informed. I wrote several letters to Orange (don't think I have them anymore) asking to be re-instated with my old contract and my bill reduced, but they refused (one letter after all mine) - shows how much customer loyalty of 5yrs is worth. If my outstanding dept was for 2002 but transfered in 2006, when does the 6 years end?
  7. Sorry just to say, they said they had been sending letters to my old address, which I moved out of a year ago, but it took 8 years to track me to this address in the first place. I refused to give my new address. Any help please???
  8. I too have had them contact me today, stating i owe money on an orange account from 2002, which would be correct as orange are ripped me off and i refused to pay at the time I told the man that its a been a long time to try and contact me about this now and he said the dept was filed in 2006? (still along time) Anyone know how long they can legitamally chase me for this? Money owed in 2002 - £80. Now owed - £130. Is this really worth their while??
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