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Everything posted by paxton_giant

  1. lockley78:All I can say is hang on in there. Keep going and stick to your guns. YOU'RE the victim here, not the criminal as IVAL seem to like to treat you.It's worth going back to your insurer and reminding them that you pay them, not IVAL and tell them you're not happy with the way your claim is being handled.It took me months before I got what I was entitled to.
  2. Update as promised.... Woohoo!Claim eventually settled today, as last item arrived (over 8 months after filing claim). Had one final battle - something for folks to look out for; I was sent an Amazon voucher for the value of the goods, as agreed by phone and checked at the time. But guess what - by the time the voucher arrived, the items could no longer be bought at the agreed prices! On going back to Ival, I eventually managed to get a bit more to cover the increase, and I was inexplicably told that although it was not my fault (very generous) they do not recommend using Amazon! "But you sent me an Amazon voucher, I have no choice" was my natural reply. They still persisted with this statement, but fortunately it mattered little as my claim has FINALLY been settled. One mighty lesson learned. When I next take out insurance, I shall determine whether the company has dealings with Ival, if so I shall walk. Never again
  3. Thanks very much for the advice Shara & Bernie.I have something to take forward now. I'll update on any positive developments.I have already cancelled my Aviva policy and used someone else.
  4. Just to get this off my chest.I too have had a poor experience with Ival. Unfortunately, my Aviva policy made no mention of them, so it came as a surprise to me to be passed over to them.Following a burglary last Christmas, I've made a relatively minor claim. Ival have so far refused to pay. They have used all the stalling tactics in the book; phoning me at fortnightly intervals to obtain the same information they have previously been given. They ask what was stolen, then 2 weeks later they ask for a crime number. Then they ask me for receipts. Two weeks later we start all over again at the beginning. They have even asked me for an appointment to speak to the person who discovered the burglary (I was away at the time). After over 6 months I am left very frustrated and can only conclude they are deliberately seeking to avoid payment. Now we are disputing the amount of excess I have to pay. They are adamant it is £125, whereas my policy clearly states £75. I have had the same conversation on this 3 times now, despite sending them a copy of my policy. Still no joy - it has all gone quiet again. They are just a bunch of scammmers. AVOID AT ALL COSTS ! There, I feel better now.
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