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debbie h

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Everything posted by debbie h

  1. Contact your banks fraud dept and do it now you only have 4 months max from the date you were sent the paperwork. The bank will fight it for you !
  2. For anyone else in this position. Listen up here's what to do. I have been waiting for over 6 months to get my money back - DONT ! If you paid for the admin fee via your credit card get in touch with the fraud dept. and they will refund you money and fight it out with the loan company direct. If you paid with your debit card you only have 4 MONTHS MAX so do it now get in touch with the banks fraud dept and again they will fight it on your behalf. Or you could just do what I did and sent a letter from a 'solicitor' with an estimated fee account of £2,000 for their charges and state that you will be sueing them for your admin fee plus any fees incurred. Guarantee you will get a refund. Got mine 2 days after letter was sent and just for safe measure I also reported them to Financial Omibusman (OFT), trading standards, watchdog and pretty much anyone else that would listen. They are crooks and I was told on at least 12 occasions that the cheque was in the post. And just as a sweeter I sent them 4-5 Recorded Delivery Letters without putting any postage on so they would have to pay at their end.........................
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