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Everything posted by starman59

  1. I had to go on the work program a few years ago. The advisor I saw took one look at me and said straight out that there was nothing they could do or me. I have arthritis and angina and am unable to walk much distance as well as a couple of other things. The office was up 2 flights of stairs and on my second visit I had a rather large and painful angina attack the bods thought I was going to die on them, funny now looking back on it. I must admit they were ok with me though.
  2. Typical of this government. But what do you expect from the nasty party. For some reason the unfortunate in this country are made out to be feckless wasters and charlatans.
  3. I've been getting hassled by ARC for about 6 weeks now, they phoned me about a debt, I have a few debts, but as they would not tell me which one and the fact I would not give them any personal info they have taken to phoning me to get in touch with them. As they have not bothered to send me anything in the post as requested I let them run up their phone bill.
  4. bart, my sincere condolences for your loss. I do not know for sure but I would expect a judge to take the funeral expenses and the sad loss of your daughter into account if this ever went to court. You must be in bits I know I would be if it was one of my 3 daughters, good luck.
  5. Thanks for the reply essexmat. Our problem is that my daughter who is nearly four will not be able to lead a normal life so the DLA we save for her is for her future. So we want to save it all and not spend it, we have no need to spend any of it, we do not smoke or drink or have big telly's and things like that so we would spend it for spendings sake and that's something we do not want to do if you see what I mean.
  6. Hi all. I have a question to put to you all if I may. I am on ESA and receive PIP as well plus housing benefit. My disabled daughter gets DLA which we put in her bank account as it's her money. I think you can only have £6000 savings and a child £3000, she nearly has that now so I do not know what I can do with her money we do not want to spend it willy nilly on rubbish so what can we do legally? Any help will be gratefully received.
  7. @dx The debt is about 4 years old now that is when I had to stop work due to Arthritis and a dicky heart. Their client is Santander consumer finance.
  8. Thanks ScarletPimpernel, That sounds like a good plan.
  9. Thanks for your quick reply citizenB. I do not bank with them, it was a car loan through a garage. I have had no problems with Santander before about my disability which unfortunately will not get better. I live off ESA which although is not much we get by, mind you I had to give up smoking lol.
  10. Hi all, I received a letter from dwf regarding an arrangement I have with Santander over a car loan. I have been paying Santander £1 a month for the last few years as I am unable to work due to disability. The letter says: - It is our clients policy to review such agreements on a regular basis. To this end we enclose an I&E form which you are required to complete and return to us within the next 14 days, including documentary evidence of all figures stated. Not sure what to do with this so any help would be appreciated. Thanks all.
  11. Hi there. I applied for PIP at the end of October last year and was awarded high rate care aspect but not mobility. This was for 3 years but I think they will contact me after 2 to see if anything has changed. It took until two weeks ago before I got a decision so be prepared to wait. It was atos who held things up they took ages to call me for an interview and ages again to send the result to DWP who then took 6 weeks to make a decision.
  12. Hi ali00 I just got awarded PIP after applying for it last October (I have RA and OA). I had to wait until Febuary to see Atos, then had to wait 6 weeks or so for them to send the result to the DWP. I kept badgering them on the phone I was told by the DWP they like to have the decision in 3 weeks, in my case it was 6 but I did get a nice apology from the DWP and the money backdated to end of October so just keep on at them I phoned once a week. Good luck. Steve
  13. Hi beddz glad everything seems to have gone your way. I know what its like to have severe depression too, I must admit my dealings with atos so far have been fine and am in the support group (also due to me having Arthritis) any how the HCP I saw at atos advised me to apply for PIP (whih I did and got awarded) so I am passing on the advice to you. My your future be brighter and your condition get better Steve
  14. I am fairly sure that DCA's are not allowed to withhold their phone number. Not sure what you can do about that though.
  15. Hi mr m I have RA and am on methotrexate and other drugs and have an appt with Atossers soon. I last had one 2 years ago and the "healthcare pro" reckoned I would recover in 6 months??? When I get there I am going to ask what he/she knows about RA and the therapies I am on. I would imagine he/she will know very little as lets face it the consultants work many years for their qualifications whereas the so called professionals know bugger all and just tick boxes. My other point is blood tests do not lie so if I have to I will show my metho book and see what the bod thinks to that. If your wife goes to see atos then tell them you want the interrogation recorded that way the HP cannot try and twist things to suit the DWP. As for her sister there is a doctor on the appeals panel with a judge so present everything to them and hopefully she will win. Good luck. Starman.
  16. Hi susan firstly I am so sorry to read of your plight, but on a brighter note you have found a place here on CAG where you can get a lots of advice. Regarding your debts I suggest you outline them in the debt forum where you can get invaluable advice from the guys and gals there. If any of your debts are priority debts i.e council tax, gas and electric and rent then these are the most important. As for overdrafts, non secured loans and such then these are low on the list to worry about so do not lose any sleep over them, keeping a roof over your head is more important. Steve
  17. The only advice I can give you mags is to take someone with you to the appeal, by that I mean maybe a CAB advisor or even a solicitor. I have osteoarthritis in my hips and was put in the wrag group, I could then walk about 30 yards before I had to stop. The atos clown (who was only a nurse) wrote that I would be ok in 6 months. Since my condition has deteriated and I have also developed rhumatoid arthritis and a heart problem. When I went for my appeal there was a judge and a doctor sitting on the panel and as I was alone I felt quite intimidated. They were nice enough to me though but their conclusion was they could only deal with my condition at the time of the medical and not how I was at the appeal, so consequently I lost and am in a wrag. Good luck with your case.
  18. I watched CH4 news tonight and there was a bit on the opening ceremony which showed the GB athletes, and none of them had their ID showing outside their clothes. Apparently ATOS has their name on the lanyard that holds the ID's and our team were protesting. Of course some fella reckoned their ID's would blow about in the wind so thats the reason for not having them outside thier clothes. Sounds a bit like BS to me. Go GB.
  19. Foggy I would sugest you change from direct debit to standing order to Low lifes as I has been noted on here many times that DCA's can empty your bank account and you will have hell and all trouble getting your money back. Glad you got through your ordeal. Regards Steve.
  20. Do what I did to Advantis once, that is invoice Newman for answering the phone to them, if you have sent or recieved letters/emails charge them for that too. I said £10 per letter/email and £5 a call wether answered by me or not. Dont expect to get anything from Newman but it's worth a try. I see no reason you cannot add on admin charges.
  21. Just a thought, Did they sell your house under its real value? as I am sure I've read on here that you can question this.
  22. I had an atos medical?? last may, I had arthritis in my hip and depression, consequently is was put in wrag. I recieved another atos form in november which I filled in but have had nothing back. Anyway when I went to wrag the first time the woman there took one look at the way I was hobbling as my hip was killing me and advised me to appeal, this I did and had it heard in march. the Dr and the Judge asked me about my condition now (march) and not about the previous may. Basically it was a complete waste of my time and pain to go there because at the end they said we can only go on when I had my medical and not my present condition. Well things have got much worse for me as well as having osteoarthritis I now have rhumatoid arthritis so things are getting pretty poor for me. Last friday I went to wrag and when I got there (I have to walk some distance in extreme pain and have to stop frequently) I was in quite a bad way phisically that I went to my GP on after and he was concerned I had had a mild heart attack due to the symptoms I told him. It turns out I now have angina and am on more meds. I told the DWP about my change of circumstance regarding my rhumatoid arthritis but hav'nt heard anything and am going to tell them tomorrow about the angina and request anothwr atos medical. The first one I had was done by a nurse who said I would get better in 6 months so it goes to show what sort of people we have to deal with. I hope everything turns out ok for you nick because it P's me off to see genuine people get the shaft by these unqualified idiots.
  23. I have had the same I filled an atos form months ago and have heard nothing. The first one I went to said my condition would get better in 6 months this was a male nurse, (I have osteoarthritis and rhumatoid arthritis) but I am expecting to be sumoned soon as I have told ESA my condition has deteroiated.
  24. The trouble with atos is they get paid for everyone the can get out of a support group and into WRAG and as such they are in it for profit, not the welfare of genuine claimants. In my case I cannot walk 20 yards and use a stick. This in turn makes my right hand hurt like hell as my joints are swollen and very painfull. Even the woman I saw at A4e asked what i was doing there as it's obvious to anyone with eyes I have problems walking and holding things (I can only type using one finger). What sort of work they expect me to do I have no idea. I have paid my taxes etc for 37 years and I feel like I am a criminal for claiming benefit. My personal opinion is these so called professionals who asess us do not live in the real world and think genuine people are just trying to con money out the system.
  25. Hi Rae, How is this affecting you mentally? Sorry not being personal. But say if it was making you depressed or feeling suicidal (hint hint ) then that could earn you more points with the corrupt atos system. I know how you feel by the way I do get ESA as I have osteoarthritis and rhumatoid arthritis. But the good news is th healthcare professional (a nurse) has said I would get better in six months. This was a year ago and i'm still waiting. So dont lose heart Rae and and keep at them. Good luck.
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