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Everything posted by JOVI75

  1. An update!! I received a letter from Hastings Direct in which they explained that I had another payment due out on DD which is where the charge came from in addition to the cancellation fee. Anyway they had listened to my recorded phone conversation when I cancelled (these recordings do work obviously) and agreed that I had not been given the correct information by their advisor with regard to the DD being on top of the fee he was quoting. They therefore, as a gesture of goodwill, did not charge me the cancellation fee or charge for the cancelled DD. Fair dos!!
  2. You were right!!! I received an email from Hounslow Parking Services this morning apologising for the "administrative error" (always one of them isn't it) - and confirming that my evidence was indeed enough to revoke the PCN in my name and to therefore disregard the PCN and Charge Certificate which would be re-issued in the name of We Buy Any Car. I will of course keep hold of all my paperwork and the emails just in case but what a weight off my mind - still a little peeved that I had to endure 3 months of this though. Thank you to all those who bothered to read my thread and get in touch with words of wisdom......you kept me sane, bless you all !!
  3. Thank you to everyone who replied above. Thought I'd update you on matters as I am still being harrassed. I received an "Acceptance of Representation" letter dated 9th May 2011, however they stated that I had not sent any proof of change of owner (though I had you remember attached the sales invoice) and that although their records had been updated if the new owner disputed the fact I would received another penalty. So I again emailed the copy sales invoice on 11th May 2011 together with a copy of the DVLA letter of change of ownership that I was now in receipt of. Then I received yet another penalty notice dated 18th May 2011 for the same contravention. I have never received a Notice of Rejection letter and have now received a Charge Certificate. Can somebody explain how a local authority can harrass someone for payment when they have provided evidence of change of owner? Do I have no leg to stand on here? I am a mum with 3 young children who works full-time and just do not have the time or energy to have to deal with this on top of everything else. I am now thinking that the only way to go is the Independent Adjudicators, however as I have never received a Notice of Rejection I'm not sure if they will take on the case. I have emailed Hounslow today to advise that I feel I am being harrassed and that they are obviously not looking at the proof I have sent them on numerous occasions. Can anyone reassure me that I am in my right on this matter!! Thanks
  4. Yes I have kept copies of everything. I just don't understand why it is all SO difficult to sort, seems a straight forward situation to me.
  5. How do I end this? I sold my car on 3rd April this year then I received a PCN through the post from Hounslow Council for a parking contravention which took place on 7th April (I've never even been to Hounslow). No worries, not my car anymore - DVLA have been sent the forms etc, so i email Hounslow attaching a copy of my sales reciept for the car dated 3rd April and asked for the ticket to be revoked. A few weeks later I received a letter from Hounslow council stating that they would update their records to show the new owner and contact them about the ticket, but as I hadn't sent any proof if they disputed it the fine would come back to me (so what was the copy sales receipt if not proof??) !!! Surprise, surprise the new owner obviously disputed the ticket and I once again received a PCN for the offence. I again emailed Hounslow and re-attached the sales receipt together with the DVLA letter stating change of ownership (which I finally received). I am yet to receive a reply (virtually a month now). Where on earth do I stand if they do not accept it this time? Should I go to court and fight it there? What more proof can I provide?
  6. I cancelled my Hastings Direct car insurance policy in April at a cost of £79.54 (not impressed but that's life). Received letter stating that the amount would be taken using the card details they have for me on file (from my original down payment) within 7 days - fine! Today received letter to say that I had not paid the cancellation fee and that I now owe £117. I called Hastings payment line to ask what was going on and was told that they could not take the money as I had cancelled my DD - er yes I had because my policy was cancelled and the payment being taken from my card. I offered to pay the original amount over the phone but was told I couldn't and had to contact the complaint dept for debt recovery (which can only be done by email........why doesn't anyone speak anymore???) I have emailed and said that I will not be paying the additonal late payment charges.......now I wait for goodness knows how long for a reply! What's the betting this isn't resolved easily?
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