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  1. I've been reading some people's posts and it seems like I'm not the only one who was made an example out of by a TfL which is trying to cover the black hole in their budget...I was prosecuted for using my boyfriend's Oyster card 2 years back, and got told that the problem was that it was a student one and I got accused of using it all the time which was not true and although I said I could prove it - I buy an Oyster one month travel card every month - they took me to court and I got fined £400 (some people beat somebody up and get away with a lesser fine). I felt like a murderer being 'read my rights' and I offered to pay the £50 fine on the spot but they said that I would be prosecuted even though the stickers by the barriers did not say this (only that a £50 fine would be applicable). Anyhow, I was in the wrong and admitted it and was totally repentant and wanted the whole thing to go away, it was really stressful as I've never done anything illegal in my whole life, and I pled guilty and paid the fine - even though I thought it was ridiculously excessive.My problem is, I don't know if I have a criminal record, which is terrifying. I work for a charity and I was filling out a CRB check and when I came across the 'Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence' it brought all this back to me and I realised that I didn't know if being taken to the court and paying a fine meant I was a 'criminal'. I read someone else's post who got taken to court for £1 by TfL and she said she wasn't given a criminal record. How do I find out?! I don't think the judgement says anything and I called the CAB (almost impossible to get through) and someone there told me it was a criminal offence from what the TfL says on their website...Help!!!! It sounds so horrible to tick 'Yes' on the CRB and there's no room to explain the offence - it could be anything from robbery to murder nevermind borrowing an Oyster card!
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