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Everything posted by robotrobo

  1. hi conniff. thanks for your reply. i am always up to date with readings ! and i have the reading when i switched suppliers in january 2011 , so do EDF as i supplied it to them as well , i do not quite understand your reply ! but thankyou in advance, ps i take monthly readings to keep on top
  2. hi everyone. i have a big problem with edf who supply me with the online duel fuel since i switched with them in january 2011. they have set up a electric account with me from the start & i am fully paid up with £350 in credit!. the problem is they have been unable to get me a gas account up & running , i have spent hours on the phone trying to sort out why they cannot get me a gas account up & running , i even had my own advisor who for a week or more rang me trying to sort out the problem , eventually the calls stopped & nothing more has been done , yet they opened a direct debit account & have taken money out of the bank account for the gas , but because there is no gas account they put the money in the electric account hence thats why i have £350 credit or over in that electric account. Am i makeing sense?, anyway because i was paying for the gas by d/d but not getting a bill , i rang them again & they did offer to send me the money back & cancel the d/d , i said on no way cancel the d/d as i did not want to be seen as cancelling anything & then they would use that against me. I have had no money returned to me it was 3 months or so ago , i did record the 30 minute conversation to prove that i have being trying to get things going & pay my bill , i cannot give them a gas reading as there is no gas account ! . I have tried everything & spent hours on the telephone & ruined my days & nearly ruined my health ! with all the messing about , but deep down i dread the day they get there act in order & send me a bill ! , can anyone assure me that i have done everything possible to sort this out & that any future bills should now be there loss.
  3. hi neil. sorry about your problem with your new car! , it sounds like you have gone down the correct avenue so far !, my question to you is did you not have some kind of warranty when you purchased the car , you normally get some kind of deal?, is the cost of the repair more than the purchase cost ?, i hope someone on hear can give you the advice you desperatley need . good luck
  4. my word birdy i have read your saga all the way through & i really feel sorry for you & really glad it was not me haveing all that trouble that you have had !, it sounds a bit selfish. i hope now you are a bit wiser on the purchase of your next car , if you can, do not go in to debt for one , my last car i bought in 2003 NEW was £13000 i have still got it with only 48,000 miles on the clock & worth no more than £2,000 , look at the money lost in depreciation!!! . but i have not spent to much on its upkeep, cambelt , brakes , tyres , yes but nothing out of the ordinary. i hope the next purchase you make is a good one a bit of good luck & a bit of self service on maintenance & try & keep away from the dealers & buy at the right price !! then you have a bit of money in reserve if you are unlucky with breakdowns. best regards mr bean!
  5. hi mick. i am no expert. when they installed my water meter , they sent me a date & time when they were fitting the meter & duly arrived on that day, 6 months later i got my half yearly bill, so i knew exactly what was going on ! surely when you requested a meter there was some corespondence between you. your question reads as though you did not know the meter had been fitted untill the letter arrived in that case i would say you have every right to pursue the change back , in my case i am saving £300 for the last 3 years , but only 2 of us. good luck
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