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  1. I recently purchased a new phone with a new contract, which came with the pretty standard 1st month insurance free. As most consumers would, I wanted to take advantage of the free month but then shop around to find a better policy (in this case my bank). So I didn't forget to cancel the policy I rang the premierplan just over a week into the policy (who Dial a Phone had put me with) and told them I wish to cancel the payment for the end of the month. I was then unfortunate enough to have to claim for the 1st time ever on insurance a few days later after my phone was stolen. I reported this to the police and then contacted the company to find their policy is when you ring in to cancel it starts with immediate effect. I wasn't told this over the phone originally and although it makes sense as I havn't paid them a penny that it would be unfair to them, but at the same time they gave me a month free which I am still very much within. Although I assume the lesson here is cancel the the free insurance at the last possible moment, I can't see why I still don't have that free month that came with the contact I signed. Does anybody know of any ground I have to stand on with them or had a similar situation and won? They have said they will listen to the call I made to cancel, but will only pay out if the call operator stated I was still insured to the end of the month... but doesn't matter if she didn't need to say it was with immediate effect though.
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