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Everything posted by fram961

  1. Hi Thank you for your reply, No he's wife dont work, they have 2 young children and she is expecting twins at end of july....They have never claimed any type of benefits before so are at a total lose really. They have no money at the moment as they have been waiting for a answer on there claim for last 4 weeks and found out by phoning the people at benefits yesterday to see what was happening, this is when they got told they will be getting £129 a fortnight. Nothing went into there bank today!
  2. Hello all, i'm new here and would appreciate some info... My Son was self employed but due to illness (very bad depression & panic attacks) has needed to apply for benefit (first time he has ever needed to ask for help from benefits) He was told to apply for ESA which he did 4 weeks ago, he is married with 2 young children and he's wife is expecting twins in july... Today they have been told he will get £129 a fortnight and it wont be back dated to the day he claimed. He has sent in Two sick notes from GP .... He is now in a very panicky state as this money isnt enough to live on with the family he has and a morgage to pay... Does he now have to apply for any other benefits for children etc or is that it? he was told he has to wait 13 weeks for help with morgage, but how does he pay it in the mean time? They dont have any savings or extra money at all and relying on family help at the moment, none of this is helping with the depression. Any info will be helpful Thank you in advance
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