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  1. Send a nice email back telling them after considering there 'offer' of you just paying the money back you are now in the process of looking in to setting up an IVA. They may reply differently then as they know if you have a large amount of debt they would be unlikley to see any of the money your paying in the IVA to pay debts...I did this with Welcome Finance, this was a while ago and the loan is now paid but as soon as I told them that they started to make offers of payment plans AND stopped interest. These people push and push because they want there money...let them think your letting another company deal with your debt and they soon change there mind. With the Wonga problem mine is sorted but as I put on an earlier post my friend told me today she 'lost' her card and they didnt get a penny! maybe it takes a week or so to push the payment through but by then her money was safe. Get a new account and get your money safe, then deal with these bullies one by one. Good Luck.
  2. Just for anyone else that comes across this post..... Im all sorted thanks to my god send of a brother...he loaned me the money and I paid them I have cancelled my accounts as I have another anyway which they don't have details for (just in case!), but after a weekend of stress I spoke to friend at university today and she told me she defaulted on her Wonga loan last month as she could not afford to keep paying. She reported her card 'lost' to her bank which was Nationwide to give her time to get her money out of her bank and open a new one......she says they didnt get hold of a penny once it was reported lost. She then emailed balanceoffer @wonga.com and asked for a repayment plan not stating what she was wanting pay but ujst could they sort a plan..... and got a reply 4 days later with a plan to pay the balance she owed over 12 months with NO MORE INTEREST. If only I knew this sooner it could of saved me a weekend of no sleep but at least anyone who comes across this post can have a bit more of a peace of mind.
  3. My brother has dug me out of the hole and loaned me the money to pay wonga back today. Lesson learnt and never ever again!!
  4. Thanks so much, I have emailed him...just waiting for a reply.x
  5. I defaulted Wonga today and reported my card 'lost' last night. Today got an email saying my payment was rejected from the bank due to insuficiant funds....not because the card was cancelled...so my guess is the lost card trick dosnt work. I have £200 going in tomorrow can they take this with the card reported lost? I have rung my student finance company and they are only going to put my money in my Basic account with no visa or direct debit facilitity...Im praying it will be safe there but will have to wait 3 weeks for money while they wait for the change of bank details in the post . Now I have no funds going into the 2 card accounts they do have (apart from tomorrow), how do I get them to set up a payment plan? No responce to emails so far and when I have rung after waiting 40 minutes in a queue I was cut off !!!!!!! gratefull for any help Thanks in advance Lex.x
  6. How did you manage to get a reply from Wonga and how long did it takt? I defaulted today and reported my card 'lost' last night. Today got an email saying my payment was rejected from the bank due to insuficiant funds....not because the card cancelled...so my guess is the lost card trick dosnt work. I have £200 going in tomorrow can they take this with card reported lost? I have rung my student finance company and they are only going to put my money in my Basic account with no visa or direct debit facilitity...praying it will be safe there but will have to wait 3 weeks for money while they wait for the change of bank details in the post . Now I have no funds going into the 2 card accounts they do have how do I get them to set up a payment plan? No responce to emails so far and when I have rung after waiting 40 minutes in a queue I was cut off!!!!!!!1 gratefull for any help Thanks in advance Lex.x
  7. Sorry guys just seen this HSBC SORTCODE 40-06-09 ACCOUNT 21544926....this is wongas bank details right?? thank you very much x
  8. Can someone please PM me wongas bank details?? I can see on your thread that there is a sticky but I cant find it (im rubbish with the internet) xx
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